The Dalish Elves prospered after the siege at Denerim having earned much respect for their part in the battle. For once, humans lands welcomed the wandering folk. The Keepers all elected Lanaya to represent them. Lanaya, in turn, was respected both amongst the Dalish as well as in the Ferelden court. She was a voice of reason and other Dalish clans would turn to her to help resolve disputes with human folk. In time, many of the Clans moved to the land provided for them in the south near Ostagar, called Enansal by the Dalish. Wary of their human neighbors, however, tensions soon rose again and only Keeper Lanaya's leadership kept peace alive.

In Orzammar, King Bhelen quickly proved himself a reformer. Trade with the surface lands increased and caste restrictions were loosened. The casteless were permitted to take arms against the Darkspawn in exchange for new freedoms. For the first time in generations, the line in the Deep Roads was pushed back and a few Thaigs were reclaimed. Bhelen's reforms quickly found him enemies within the warrior and noble castes, however, and after several assassination attempts, the Assembly was dissolved. The king then ruled alone, some say as a tyrant, others say as a visionary determined to drag Orzammar into the modern world. Although the Anvil of the Void was destroyed, rumors about its location crept into Orzammar. Years later, thanks to the defeat of the Darkspawn on the surface, a few determined smiths managed to locate the Anvil's remains. They examined the ruins of the Anvil and, upon returning to Orzammar with their findings, convinced the Shaperate to attempt to recreate Caridin's research. A new golem was created, bound with a spirit taken from the Fade. The golem immediately went insane, killing several Shapers before it was destroyed. The research was branded excessively dangerous and sealed away. Whispers of its existence circulated throughout Orzammar, however, and demand among the smith caste to reopen Caridin's research refused to abate.

As good as her word, Morrigan disappeared once the Archdemon was slain. Someone of Morrigan's description was seen traveling alone months later, heading west through the Frostback Mountains and she may have been with child. Realin, in turn, kept her word not to look for or follow her.

Leliana led a few expeditions to the temple of Andraste but despite her urges that the dragon would ignore them, the Chantry refused to let it be. She eventually returned to the Royal court and served as Bard to Alistair and Realin for a time, until she took her leave and returned to Orlais. She remained in contact with the Fereldan court, not wishing to completely abandon her best friend. Word eventually reached Realin that Leliana was working closely with the Divine herself.

Sten returned to his people. The Qunari welcomed him as a hero for his part in ending the Blight. Many a story was told of the little bas who killed the Archdemon. Realin hasn't heard from him since his departure.

Zevran eventually settled down among the Dalish, joining Realin's clan and marrying Braylyn. When the Dalish moved into their new homeland, he helped keep the peace when tensions arose between the Dalish and the humans, when he wasn't leading the Crows on a wild goose chase. Unfortunately, only a handful of the Sabrae Clan remained in the lands gifted to them, much to Realin's disappointment. A large portion of the clan followed Marethari north soon after the defeat of the Archdemon.

Having nothing to hold him to Orzammar, Oghren remained in Denerim. He reconnected with an old flame in Amaranthine and remarried, eventually volunteering as one of the first Grey Warden recruits since the beginning of the Blight.

Wynne became the first Mage to advise the throne since before the Orlesian invasion. Her wisdom served Ferelden well. She eventually resigned, telling the royals she wished to spend her final years with her son.

As queen, Realin slowly earned the trust of the people. Many referred to her first as the Commander of the Grey before queen, leading her to believe they would never accept her as queen. Despite Alistair's fears, she, with the aid of Wynne's magic, bore him twins born without the taint. Much to the joy of their father and all of Ferelden. While their son, named after the man who recruited them into the Wardens, bore his father's features, their daughter, Tamla, took after her mother.

Alistair kept his promise to Goldanna. He granted her an estate in the Palace District so that her children could be raised and live as they should. Over time, Goldanna and Realin became close friends and Goldanna reconnected with her brother.

Several months after the end of the Blight, Vaughan Kendells was found dead, poisoned with a rare poison out of Rivain. Kyrie was accused of his assassination and Realin, knowing who actually had killed him, Conscripted her to the Wardens. With Vaughan's younger brother, Garrett, believed dead, Alistair granted the Arling of Denerim to Soris, an act that caused much disdain among the humans but became a sign of hope for change among the City Elves.

After Leliana and Zevran helped Jowan escape from Redcliffe, a man matching his description was seen helping refugees travel safely throughout Ferelden. The refugees all credit this man with saving their lives.

The Grey Wardens welcomed Realin back into the fold gladly, eager to receive a hero who had faced the Archdemon and lived to pass on the knowledge. As the Bighted lands began to heal and the Grey Wardens slowly began to rebuild the Order in Amaranthine, they discovered that the fight against the Darkspawn was not yet complete. Although the horde was routed and had dissolved upon the Archdemon's death, many of the more powerful Darkspawn survived to organize roving warbands that preyed upon both the land and upon each other. These warbands spread havoc and some even journeyed west into Orlais or crossed the Shining Sea by the Deep Roads. They proved incredibly difficult to wipe out. But these are tales yet to be told. This tale ended when Realin sunk her blade into the Archdemon's head and destroyed it forever. It was not the last that Ferelden would hear of her as a Grey Warden, however...

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