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Heart of Courage ~ Two Steps from Hell (Epilogue)

The Chosen Ones ~ Dream Evil (The Daughters of Thedas Theme)

In the months following his coronation, Alistair proved to be a popular king, if largely unwilling to involve himself in matters of governing at first. He learned quickly and soon was know across Thedas as a just and wise king. He traveled often, making appearances in towns throughout Ferelden to the great delight of the commoners. They referred to him as a king with the "common touch", even if a few knew it was a simple aversion to life at court. He continued his brother's efforts at peace with Orlais, although it was many years before Empress Celine would entertain the notion, having been offended by Loghain's refusal to allow Orlesian Wardens and their support troops into the country to aid with the Blight.

News that the Urn of Sacred Ashes had been found in Ferelden did not spread outside the Chantry until Brother Genitivi made an announcement several months after the defeat of the Darkspawn. The manuscript detailing his research and his experience with Andraste's cult drew huge interest among scholars throughout Thedas. Some years later, the Chantry announced that the resting place of Andraste's Ashes had indeed been found. They were located, however, in ruins that were also the lair of a high dragon, thus proving too dangerous to approach. Many made demands to secure the Ashes so that followers could undertake the pilgrimage to partake of their healing powers. Following numerous failed attempts to deal with the dragon, the beast finally flew off to find another haven, but leaving the mountaintop sanctum in ruins. An excavation found no traces of the Urn. People began to doubt that the Ashes had ever been found, while others claimed that a cult of Andraste's followers stole them from the temple. Still, others say that the Maker Himself removed the Urn, deeming mankind unworthy of it. Realin and her companions believe that the Guardian took it to safety. For now, what happened to the Urn is simply unknown. Many years later, the Chantry built a new Temple of Sacred Ashes, which became the site of many pilgrimages and a mecca for the Faithful.

Following months of effort, the Tower of the Circle of Magi was finally cleansed of the last spirits to slip through the Veil. No further Abominations were created and First Enchanter Irving was pleased to declare the Circle safe. All that could be saved had been. Connor began his studies and became the youngest Mage to complete the Harrowing.

With the slavers shut down in the Alienage, the lot of the City Elves improved for a time. Alistair even named Valandrian to his personal court, a scandal among the humans, although not as much as Alistair's choice of an Elven queen, but it was a sign of new hope for the Elves. Shianni continued to be an outspoken member of the Alienage community and in time became the new Elder. That outspokenness earned her frequent trouble but served her people well.

Arl Eamon remained in Denerim for a time, acting as the chancellor and chief advisor to King Alistair, leaving Teagan to rule over Redcliffe in his stead. Eventually, Alistair appointed Teagan as his chief advisor, causing the rift already between the king and Eamon to deepen. The two speak to one another only when they have to.

Teagan continued to be close friends with the royals. He eventually married the daughter of Bann Sighard, who was still grateful for Alistair and Realin rescuing his son from Howe. The two had a happy marriage and she gave him many children.

At Realin's suggestion, Alistair appointed Anora to be Ferelden's ambassador to Orlais, as she already had the respect of the Empress. In exchange for her appointment, Anora finally swore fealty to Alistair and denounced her claim to the throne. She is still serving Ferelden in Orlais and working with Alistair towards peace with their neighboring country.

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