We are the ones still swingin

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Willows pov
Laying in my bunk in the tour bus I sighed. We have been on tour for a month now. Ugh, I'm so bored. "Viiiiiiiiic!" I heard my best friends voice shout. "Whaaaaaaaaat" I laughed slightly at his tone of voice. "I thought I told ya, I came to party! I can tell you want something from me, with every little thing you do to me!"

"Okay stop quoting that dang song" getting out of bed I went into the living room where they were. "Oh hey Wills, how are ya" I nodded my head. Yes, I still don't talk. I know. "Daaaaad!"
"Huuuuuuunnnnnnttterrrr" Vic rolled out. "Where is my dang hot topic card?! I'll literally die if I don't have it!" I laughed softly. To be honest, if I lost my hot topic card I would destroy everything until I found it. It still makes me wonder who in the right mind would not like that place.

"Hey! We are here guys! Get off your asses and get the fuck out" I looked at tony grinding. Ahhh, always the loud one.
"Like tots omg! We are like so tots here! Haha lol!" I looked at Tony. "Okay seriously tone, just no" Vic said and grinned. "Come on! Let's go city searching!" Mike yelled from behind me. "Found it! Okay I'm good." Hunter came up behind me shouting. "Okay could you seriously not be any louder?"

"Well yeah! I can hear let me show yo-"
Ariana cut him before he could start. "Oh it's fine, we don't need you to start"

Hunter's pov
Getting out of the car I looked around at the gas station. "Uh, Tony, I thought you said were here?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Yeah! We are here, here at a gas station. I gotta pump and dump." I shrugged my shoulders and went inside and going to the candy isle. Hmm, what to get, what to get.
"-dude! That's frickin insane bruh" a guy said, and isle away from me. Turning around I went to the aisle where I heard the voice. I silently gasped as I saw who it was.

Willow and some guy were hugging each other. Now, anyone would guess it was just a friend hug, I thought so too. Until they kissed. At that moment I felt my world crash.

Screw love. I fucking hate it. I was starting to have feelings for her. This sucks.

Leaving the aisle I walked out of the store and back to the tour bus.
I hope the rest of the day is better.

Getting in my bunk I heard Ariana's voice and a guys voice. Looking out behind the curtain I saw the same dude with Willow.

I was fucking wrong.

Hey guys, so it's the author, I put a movie reference in this chapter, if anyone can tell me what movie it's from will get the next chapter dedicated to them. Stay love able. Peace out.


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