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Brooke: wow, and to think, just two short minutes ago i was ready to cry. I can't believe Nick stood up for me like that. That was amazing. He was amazing.

2 months later
I woke up to a searing pain and looked at my clock to check the time. 3:15am i started freaking out, i didn't know what was happening. And then, my water broke. No. I couldn't be having the babies now! I wasn't due for another month and a half. I immediately texted Nick. No response. Obviously there wouldn't be a response, it 3 in the morning. "Mom!" i shouted through the house. No answer. "Mom!" i called even louder this time. She ran to me almost immediately the second time.
"Brooke, whats wrong!" she asked frantically.

"Mom i think im having the babies  right now!" i cried out.

"But your a month and a half early!" she was crying as well.

"I know, i know but i think I'm having them now! Can you take me to the hospital?" i asked.

"Yes of course, come on, lets go. We can call Nick when we get there" she answered as she rushed me into the car and sped to the hospital.

Finally i was in my private hospital room continually trying to call Nick and continually going straight to voice mail. Im pretty sure i left about 80 messages all saying the same thing.

"Nick, it's Brooke. Im at the hospital. Im in labor. Please come as quick as you can"

the secret life of Brooke HylandWhere stories live. Discover now