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I hated this. I knew this was crushing Brooke, even though she tried so hard to hide it. She was trying so hard just to be happy. And everyone else, they were just bringing her down, they were killing her from the inside out. Girls from school, especially, they just wouldn't leave her alone. They never stopped. I don't know what kind of joy they get from it, but obviously they are getting something out of it, because they just keep going. I hated watching these words tear Brooke apart, she doesn't deserve this.

At least it's Friday, tomorrow Brooke gets a break from all this.

At lunch today, there they were again, Kendall Vertes and Maddie Ziegler, the two girls who started these awful rumors about Brooke.

"Well look who it is" Kendall said
"It's the little good for nothing slut"

I wanted to punch her "don't talk to her like that" i angrily spat out.

"Nick lets just go" Brooke whispered to me.

"No Brooke" i replied. "Honestly Kendall, what kind of sick satisfaction do you get from this?"

"Listen it's not our fault that your girlfriend is a no good whore" Maddie answered for Kendall.

"Stop calling her that!" now i was practically shouting. "I am sick of you two treating her like she is worthless and weak. Cuz guess what Brooke is the strongest person i know, and she is stronger than you two combined will ever be and she is far from trivial and your an idiot if you are too blind to see that" and Brooke and I left with the last word.

"I love you" she whispered with my arm around her and her head resting on my shoulder.

"I love you too" i replied

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