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I arrived at the park only to see Brooke sitting alone on the park bench sobbing into her hands. I immediately ran to her. I hated seeing Brooke upset.

"Brooke, are you all right?" i asked. I hoped she was with all my heart.

"No, Nick, i'm not. We need to talk" she replied.

"Okay, then lets talk" i said trying to think of a way to cheer her up.

"I need to tell you something. please dont hate me."she said.

"Brooke Hyland, i could never hate you." i replied and i meant it. I loved Brooke.

"Easier said than done" she answered. "Anways, what i needed to tell you was.. Was..was..." i knew it was hard for her to continue.

"Brooke its alright, you can tell me. I'm not gonna be mad at you. I love you" i said trying to comfort her and i meant every word of it.

"Nick, im p-p, I'm pregnant " she finally got the horrible words out.

"Don't worry, everything is gonna be just fine, Brooke, Everything is gonna be just fine" i promised as she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Have you told you mom yet?" i asked. And she shook her head. This was gonna be so hard.

"Have you been to the doctor yet?" i asked and she shook her head in response. "Are you planning on going?" i asked

"Yes, eventually i am going to go" she said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" and she nodded as she continued to sob into my shoulder.

"Nick, i really don't deserve you. Your so perfect, and me, I'm 16 years old and i'm pregnant. You could do so much better" she spoke quietly but just loud enough for me to hear her and it broke my heart.

"Hey, listen to me Brooke, i couldn't do better than you because their is nothing better than you and so what if your pregnant, you made a mistake and im not perfect, i am just as much to blame for this as you are. And i don't know whats gonna happen because of this mistake. I don't know what's in store for the future. All i know is that we are gonna be alright. I love you Brooke"

the secret life of Brooke HylandWhere stories live. Discover now