Chapter Three

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The Daughter of Hades Chapter Three

© 2011 K. Alyssa Jenkins

“Whaddya mean, downing myself?” I asked, opening my Italian book to the page the bell ringer indicated. It was just some lame stuff reviewing what was on the test today. I was way past ready. Let’s face it, my dad was around when the stupid language was invented. So, he could speak every language known to mankind and some of the ones that have died out. So, I had a very easy time, especially when studying. So of course, my grade is always excellent in all of the languages. How Rog does so well in all five languages, I will never know. The boy must study out of his nose. Yet another reason to be head-over-heels for him. I REALLY hate not being able to love him…

It just wasn’t fair, plain and simple. I’d never be able to love him. Not properly, at least. To be honest, I am still not sure why Ciarnai took his life. None of us ever did, he was happy and loved Lilian with everything he had, which was pretty much the world. All of those other Gods and Goddesses were just plain cruel. Aphrodite was the worst. Goddess of Love alright. Loving herself, that is. I swear, if she wasn’t a Goddess and was a Demigod…

Being a child of one of The Big Three-Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades- made me a very powerful Demigod.

“I mean, when you treat yourself like you’re absolutely hideous instead of the beautiful girl I see standing before me. I just don’t understand where you ever got the idea that you were anything less than perfect.” He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and smiling. I smiled back.

“If you knew my family, you would understand… All the women are very pretty.” I replied nudging his arm off and poking him in the sides. He was extremely ticklish.

“I want to meet your family but you won’t let me. Hell, I’ve never even so much as been inside your house… Actually, I’m still not even sure where you live. I just know you have a long ass driveway. You know, eventually I will meet your family and be totally awesome and completely impress them and be all like ‘Hey, homie, I’m Roger, yo daughter is my girlfriend, so you best be backin’ off huns.’ And then be all like---“

“Roger! You’re using very long run on sentences again!” I said, interrupting him. I swear, sometimes I just wanted to duct tape his mouth shut…

“Oops, sorry. But you know you totally love it!” Roger said, acting like he had swagger.  I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, Roger, you’re so right, I am so in love with you, will you marry me right here, right now?” I said, making my voice high and shrill. The people in my class were so used to us being insane, they didn’t even notice anymore.

“Oh, of course, I will marry you in our Italian class at 8:32!” Roger said, making his voice just as high and shrill, mocking me. I stuck my tongue out. “Hey, don’t tempt me hun!” I rolled my eyes again.

 “Class, I have given you long enough to study! Test time!” Shouted the teacher, glaring at Roger and me. Oh, if only these people knew who my father was…

She passed out the exam. Only seventy-five questions. Not that hard. I finished in sixteen minutes and Roger finished in nineteen minutes.

We handed in our tests, and the teacher glared at us again. She always thought we were cheating, because we always made perfect scores. When we got back to our desks, I pulled out a piece of paper. The paper had a running tally on it, between me and Rog. It was a contest to see who finished more tests first. I added another tally to mine. I counted up the tally. I had eighty-two and Rog had seventy-six. We’d been running this contest for so long…

I passed the paper over to him and he laughed. He pulled out another piece of paper, a blank one, and started writing. He passed the paper over to me.

'We never decided what the loser’s punishment should be.' He wrote. I began scribbling on the paper.

'I know. What do you think it should be?' I passed the paper back to him.

He thought for a second, tapping the pencil to his lip and then began scribbling. I waited impatiently for him to finish. He handed the paper back to me and I began reading.

'I do have an idea. Can I throw in a suggestion even though it looks like I will be the loser? And can I suggest a time to end the contest?' I scribbled quickly, knowing he was watching me.  

'Sure, what do you suggest? I’m open to ideas.'  I handed it back to him. I saw him smile. He began scribbling. Knowing this would take time, I let my mind wander. I started daydreaming about love. Namely, about Demigod love. Typically, Demigods married other Demigods. Most never have kids because most Demigod females are barren and unable to make babies. Otherwise, there would be more Demigods than humans. And that would be bad because Demigods are highly competitive. The more powerful the God or Goddess that had the child, then the more competitive the child is. I am highly competitive. Although, being a Demigod did have one perk. The females could choose whether or not to have their periods. I’ve had one period-the first- and then never had another one. Never plan to. Very few Demigod females ever even have one period. Maybe a handful in the entire history of my people. Maybe a dozen, probably. My father had panicked when I had my period, because it was virtually unheard of. He brought in one of the few Demigods to ever have a period and told me I could turn it on and off at will. Another way Hades is a better parent than any of the others. The others tell their daughters to hide the fact and never speak of it. It’s shameful to be able to bear to children and be a Demigod, apparently.

I was brought back to earth when Rog slid the paper to me. For how long it took for him to write it, it was fairly short.

'The loser has to take the winner out to dinner. At any restaurant of the winner’s choice. And I propose it end in 5.





'Now. You win. Where do you want to go?'

I laughed and wrote back.

'That sounds good. And I don’t really care where we go to eat…'  I tossed it back to him and he started scribbling. He passed it back fairly quickly.

'What is it you said your favorite restaurant was? Some Mexican place up north? And how  about a movie? Sound like fun?'

'There’s not really any movie out that I want to see too terribly much…'

'Sometimes you can be really thick. Iry, I’m asking you out. Will you please go out with me? I think I’ve waited long enough to ask.'

I dropped the paper in shock. The bell rang and I started gathering my things quickly, shoving the note into my homework binder. I hurried out of the room. Rog caught me halfway to my locker, grabbing my arm. I had to admit he was strong… and very attractive.

“Iry, you never answered. Do I have to get on my knees and ask? Iry, please, please, go out with me.” He was looking into my eyes and I saw the love there. The telepathy was telling me he was for real and was not going to give this battle up easily.

“Roger, I can’t… My family…” Roger cut me off.

“I know about your family, and I do not care. Understand? I don’t care.”

“I’m not what you think I am."

“You’re not?”         

“No, Rog, I’m not.”

“You know what I think you are? I think you are very beautiful, very smart, and very independent girl. You always fight for what you want and you always give triple the effort even I do. You don’t expect anything to be handed to you. And I also known you’ve been hurt. I don’t by whom-if I did know who I’d kill them- and I don’t know how. I just know you’re the most brilliant girl I’ve ever met and outshine everyone else, even though you won’t admit it. Damn it, Iry. You know me well enough to know that I will not give up.”

“Fine. You want an answer?” I said, making my voice sound angry, even though I hated and was scared of what I was about to do. I knew I had to. And I knew it would break me in half.


So, ya like? I know I've been MIA for a I have any fans left? XD

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