A Short Explanation of the Universe

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Legions of Aleutia is set millenia far in the future, tens of thousands of years since humanity first discovered interstellar flight. The Milky Way is a battleground between varying faction, human and non-human alike. However for a start I would like to introduce two specific races: Humanity and the Alfar. 



HUMANITY is split into two major factions who often fight each other.

The Aleutian Republic: The Republic of Aleutia is a pseudo-oligarchic-democratic state, that is governed by the Republican Senate, a compilation of the wealthiest, most powerful, and most influential people in the seven systems under the Republican banner. Aleutia is known to be very wealthy, and maintains a small, professional army which are divided into 'Legions' of 5,000 men each. The Republic's political and economic capital is in Aleutia, along with the Republican Senate that governs it.

The Eastern Alliance: Based around the Galactic East, the Alliance is a socialist, communist state that has a large, powerful, conscript military. The rich often ascend from the military, and any kind of free market is abolished. The Alliance has always been at odds with the affluent and rich Aleutian Republic and Hellenus Free Cities, who flourish in democracy and liberty.

Indepenent Colonies: the Independent Colonies are a collective of the hundreds of colonies spread about the galaxy, composing of humans, but do not swear allegiance to either the Alliance and the Republic. These colonies, with the exception of the System-State of Sparte, are often weak and vulnerable to outside threats, another good reason to pledge allegiance to one of the two factions.

THE ALFAR are tall, straight-haired, large-eyed, and pointy-eared species who have achieved space travel millenia before humanity did. The Alfar are highly intellectual and their lives are twice as long as the already-genetically engineered humans. The Alfar are divided into multiple factions, although many of them ally with each other to fight against either human or other threats within the galaxy. The Alfar are known to be very quick, even viewing humans as awkward and slow.


Hellenus Free Systems: A loose confederation of systems, planets, and space stations, the Helenus Segment of the Galaxy is the cradle of knowledge and advancement for the galactic community. Here, many species live together (including humans and Alfar) in the name of knowledge and technology, to create a better future.



The Republican Legion forms the ground/planetary force of the Aleutian Republic. Although small in overall size, especially compared to the vast armies of the Alliance, the Legion is known to make up for quality what they lack in numbers. The Legion consists of many branches, including Infantry, Artillery, Armor, Logistics, and Intelligence, among others. A special branch within the Legion is the Ordo Equester, an elite order of men and women who don heavy armor into battle.

The Legion must not be confused with the Auxilia Planetarium and Vigiles Urbanus, which are planetary levies and law enforcement officers respectively. As each habbitatable planet or colony has its own customs, the standards of each Auxiliarius and Vigilus might differ depending on where they come from.

Legion Hierarchy

Enlisted: Legionary – Decanus and Bannermen – Staff Decanus/Gunnery Decanus – First Decanus – Master Decanus (Third-in-command)

Junior Officer: Ensign/Signifier – Centurion (1 Centuria) – Centurion Second Class – Centurion First Class

Field-Grade Officer: Master Centurion (6 Centuria a.k.a 1 Cohort) – First Centurion (Commands/ First File Centurion (Commander of the First Cohort)

Senior Officer: Tribune (High-ranking staff officer, Legionary branch head such as Intelligence, Logistics, Infantry, Aviation) – Senior Tribune – Legatus (1 Legion, 5,000 men)

Equites --> Equites are members of the Ordo Equester. They are often dubbed as 'Knights', and wear heavy armor into battle. They rely on brute force and often act as vanguard to a Legion. Men and Women can join the Ordo Equester if they have high enough social standing (being rich) or have undergone military experience for a minimum of 8 years. After they apply they undergo a rigorous selection process in which they are ranked as initiates. After about 8 months of training in the art of warfare the initiates undergo the Crucible, an event where the initiate's metal is tested. The Crucible may or may not mean a Baptism of Fire in Battle, although either way many lose their lives during the event. After passing the crucible, the initiate earns the rank of lancer and is assigned to a regiment. As lancers are considered nobility by now, they must be refered as to 'sir' by enlisted legionaries.

Members of the Ordo Equites receive hearing, eyesight, muscle, and bone implants. Aside from that they are also engineered to live to up to 300 years, when the average human could only live up to 200. 


Initiate – Squire for the knights

Lancer – Basic Knight unit, 8 lancers make a Section, led by a sergeant. 

Knight-Sergeant – Commands a Section of eight men.

Knight-Decurion – Commands Two sections, a turmae of 16 men.

Knight-Captain – Commands a Company of 64 men.

Commander (praetor) – Commands three squadrons of 192 men, forming a regiment.

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