Prologue 1

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Since this is my first Fanfiction, I'd appreciate if you'd comment positive feedback only, or helpful criticism. Thank you so much and please don't forget to vote for my story! love you all xx

p.s. if you would like a playlist for the book, just comment and I'll start adding them at the end of the chapter!


"I've told you a thousand and one times that I'm not going far dad." Stiles reminds his over protective father. He walks past him to pick up the final box sitting on the floor of his childhood room. He smiles for a moment remembering all of the memories this room had, from his first tooth to his first werewolf. His smile fades when he hears Sheriff Stilinski talk about how San Francisco is, in fact, far from the small town of Beacon Hills. He ignores him all way to his light blue 1969 jeep, loading the last box into the back seat. Finally he looks at his dad and listens, leaning back onto the jeep.

"Stiles I'm just scared I'm not going to be able to get you out of whatever mess you got yourself into this time." And for the first time in a long time Stiles knows exactly what his dad is talking about. He looks into the old man's blue eyes, and all he can see is, all he's been able to see since Scott becoming a werewolf four years ago, is fear. The sheriff looks at his son and all he can see in his golden eyes is sadness. No words needed to be spoken they both knew what the other was thinking. They come together in a long hug and a tear slides down Stiles' cheek.

"I love you dad. Take care of yourself okay? You'll finally be able to get some work done without Scott, Malia, Kira and I running around." Stiles laughs, wiping the tear from his chin, thinking not four months ago he was left for dead. The sheriff laughs.

"Yeah I don't know, let's not forget the other four supernatural teenagers, oh and Jordan Parrish." He nods toward the deputy talking to Scott and Kira, everyone is at Stiles' house to say goodbye.

"Ahh, yes the phoenix, yeah but he seems to have his powers under control, except the occasional fire fingers." Stiles jokes about the deputy and the events of his senior year, a faint memory of doctors and hybrids come. He shakes the memory away, pulling him back to reality.

"Yo Stiles! Were you gonna come say goodbye to your best friend or did you forget you had one?" Scott calls to his best friend since the third grade. A smile spreads across Stiles' lips.

"Of course asshole." he laughs, giving his dad one more hug and walks over to the brown eyed puppy dog. When he gets there he hugs Scott for a long moment before Scott speaks up.

"Man, where did the time go?" Scott says breaking the hug to punch his friend in the arm, pretending it hurt Stiles rubs the spot Scott's fist connected with his bicep.

"Really? I know that didn't hurt." The werewolf rolls his eyes at the human.

"Maybe the four years we've been fighting, psychic-uncle alpha werewolves, kanimas, alpha werewolf PACKS and hybrid supernatural creatures have taken its toll on one of the only humans in the pack, not to mention that I was once an evil nogitsune, that happen to be thousands of years old, for about a month. Yeah I'd say that it's taken its toll on me." Stiles remarks sarcastically, remembering the past four years as if it all happened yesterday. Coming back to reality for the second time today, he looks at Scott, remembering that the past years have also taken a toll on him. Stiles sees Scott has a distance look in eyes, probably remembering everything also.

"You know you've actually kept most of us sane." Scott says coming out of his trance, looking at his friend. "Maybe, but I've been having a hard time keeping myself sane through all of this." Stiles says with a sad smile on his usually perky face. "I know bud, but at least you had all of us." The boys turn to see everyone crowding into Stiles' small living room. Malia, Jordan and Kira laughing, Malia steals a sad glance at the boys before turning back to whatever they were talking about, Liam talking to Derek about moving in so he can finish his training. Stiles' dad and Scott's mom flirting in the corner, the clumsy sheriff almost spills his soda on Melissa, Brett and his sister talking secretive sitting on the couch near the others. And at that moment Mason and Hayden walk in, Mason almost falling when he sees Brett. Brett's face perks up when he sees that his boyfriend arrived, him and his sister get up to go talk to the pair.

"Yeah you guys are like family." Stiles finally says after a long pause. "I'm gonna miss this when I leave, but at least you and Kira are coming with me."

"Yep. You can't get rid of us." Scott laughs. Standing on the coffee table, he claps his hands and whistles; everyone turns toward him and quiets down. "Now that everyone is here, I'd like to say a few words before everyone leaves to follow their own path, hopefully away from Beacon Hills." Everyone laughs breaking the tension in the room. Scott continues, "I know that the past four years have been crazy and I know everyone was ready to give up, but I'm glad that we all standing here today so I can all see your faces before heading off to college in San-Fran. I love each and every one of you sons a bitches and I'll miss you." Scott finishes with a sad look on his face and everyone claps.

After an hour of goodbye hugs, and kisses, Scott and Kira hope in to Kira's car. "Stiles, you want us to follow you or do you want to follow us?" Scott yells from the car.

"I'll follow you; I have one last goodbye to make."

"Okay buddy see you there."

"Bye!" Stiles waves at the couple smiling, his smile fading when he turns to face Malia.

"I can't believe you're leaving me Stiles..." Malia says, wrapping her arms around the pale skinny boy.

"I know your upset but this isn't the last I'm gonna see of you Malia, I'll see you when you come visit." She starts crying into his chest. "Hey, hey we can work through this okay?"

"That's the thing Stiles, we can't-I can't do this. I'm not doing the whole long distance thing okay? I just can't do it." Her arms drop to her sides and she moves away from him.

"What do mean "you can't do it"? Malia what are you saying?" Stiles says getting very confused, and then he realizes it. "Are you dumping me? Really Malia after all we've been through?"

"Stiles, I'm sorry but we are going on different paths and I'm not sure if mine is gonna lead me back to you..." She said with tears brimming her eyes. "Stiles I'm sorry..."

"Good-bye Malia." And with that Stiles jumped into his Jeep and speeds off, hopefully to see new faces and new adventures.

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