Behind The Fighters walls

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Behind The Fighters walls

She ran. He was left behind.

Anastasia is now living with her dad, Zack Chrome, the leader of The Chrome Gang. The very gang that took Lukas mother away from him. The very gang he said he would destroy, but will he still have the strength to destroy it when the girl he fell in love with is a part of it, or will he try and save her at all costs. Even if that cost is his life.

Luka is the leader of The Knight Gang. He now has to find the girl he loves and bring her back, but will she still be the same girl he fell for, or will her father have changed her so much that the old Anna is no longer there at all?

This story of love, hate, betrayal, and
strength, will keep you on your toes with a tissue box by your side. Will they be able to find themselves once more, or will the dark world of drugs, guns, and money kill them both? Find out in the second book of The Fighter Series.

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