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The next week went by in a blur. I started a new job, part time, at the pet store. I didn't like it but I needed it so I didn't complain.

Caleb and I don't talk much and I can see Madi is confused but she's to afraid to ask.

I can tell how conflicted Madi is. I guess she thinks because I'm not talking to Caleb that she can't.

When he talks to her she gets a conflicted look in her eyes and runs away. He would always look so hurt. And it's my fault.

Madi loved Caleb, she adored him. But now she won't even look his way because she's following my footsteps.

I groggily got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Instead of wearing my contacts like usual I put on my glasses. It's too early for contacts.

I left the bathroom to find Madi watching her cartoons like every other morning.

Caleb was looking at some papers at the kitchen table- I guessed he was grading them.

Madi turned and smiled at me. I kissed her head and went to make her something to eat. She sat at the table, staring at Caleb. She wanted to talk to him.

I made some pancakes for Madi and myself, then some for Caleb. I couldn't let Madi give him up when she obviously loved him.

I gave Madi her pancakes, and then set a few in front of Caleb; along with syrup and butter. I grabbed the coffee I had made him and set it down in front of him.

I sat down across from him at the table and noticed his surprised eyes staring at me.

"Good morning." I said smiling. He scratched the back of his neck and stared at me.

"Good morning." He replied. Madi looked between us both and smiled.

"Morning!" She yelled. Caleb and I laughed and just like that all tension was gone. Madi started talking to Caleb and you could see he was happy to have her talking to him again.

I smiled, knowing now my baby girl would be happy.

After breakfast I had to wait for my mom to come over and watch Madi. I turned on her cartoons and went to get ready for school.

There was a knock at my door while I was getting dressed and without thinking I yelled "come in!"

The door swung open and I screamed, covering my top half with my shirt. Luckily I had put my jeans on first.

Caleb rolled his eyes and leaned against my door frame.

"Why would you say 'come in' if you're not even dressed?" He asked.

"I- I wasn't thinking. Can you get out?"

He smirked and shook his head, stepping closer to me. I stepped back, trying to put some space between us.

He stepped further and if possible his Smirk widened.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice seeming to go up an octave.

"I think..." He said huskily. "You wanted me to see you." My back his the wall and he knew he had me trapped.

"I- I- " I was a stuttering mess. "N-no I didn't." He smirked more and I felt his hands on my bare stomach. I gulped nervously.

"What are you two doing?" I looked behind him to see my mom, a smirk on her face, and her hands on her hips.

"Nothing." I answered quickly. Caleb chuckled and I guess I answered to quickly because mom shook her head and walked off with a knowing look in her eyes.

I noticed Caleb hadn't moved and was smiling down at me.

I immediately felt my cheeks flush and he brought his hand from my waist to my face. Caleb leaned in and I gulped. I didn't want to kiss him... Did I? No! I didn't.

"Caleb." I said softly. He looked at me for a moment.

"You're beautiful, Bella." If he moved even an inch he would be kissing me.

"Please don't." I whispered. He stopped moving and seemed to snap out of whatever state he was in. He removed his hand from my cheek and backed up. I instantly felt cold but I knew I did the right thing. Caleb left my room without another word.

What. The. Hell.

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