Kidnapped By A Werewolf -5-

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Ack! I know I haven't posted in forever, but I promise to start posting at LEAST once a week. :)




Chapter Five:

Days had passed and Anna lay crumpled in a ball under the covers.  Leaving the room had become useless after, about the millionth time and her initial anger had passed.  Softly sitting up she threw the covers off her body, breathing in the clean air of the room.  The room looked the same as it had when she first arrived, but now it felt and looked different.  Bad different.  Slowly putting her feet on the ground she slid her way to the door, giving it a weak hit with her fist.

“I’m hungry,” she mumbled through the door, “Give me food.”  Limping over with no energy at all she went and sat on the bed, listening for movement.  Her mind had been blank the past couple of days, leaving her empty of her usual escape ideas, but the grief had come as a shock.  There was no way something would have happened to Matt if she had not dragged him to go camping with her.  He hated camping, and everything else about the outdoors.

Looking up meekly she saw that the door had opened and Adrian stood in the entrance.  “Well hello there Ms. Happy-Go-Lucky,” he said with a smirk, “Anything new happen in here while I was away?  I’m sure it was thrilling.”

“Get lost,” Anna replied with a snap.  Clearly he was loving this.

“Oh, well then I guess you don’t care for that food you asked for?  Suit yourself.”  Closing the door in a swift motion he was gone.

“Come back here!” Anna screamed with a surprising amount of anger.  Jumping up from the bed she lunged for the door, throwing it open.  “Forget to lock it after all of your snarky comments?” she called out to him across the now open apartment.

“Get back in there,” he said with no expression, not turning from the kitchen counter.  Turning slowly he found Anna right in his face.  “What are you going to do to me, kill me?” Giving a smirk he crossed his arms and looked down at her.

“Well why not?  You seem to be alright with killing the people that others care about.”  Anna looked straight at him, her angry expression not wavering.  “Do you have any idea what that feels like?  Just waking up one day to find out, hey guess what!  Your best friend is dead and it’s all your fault!”  Quickly looking down, she blinked her eyes as they began to tear.

“Yes,” she heard above her, “Actually I do.”  Looking up she saw Adrian staring forward, his expression difficult to read, right before he walked over and out the front door with a click.


Chris sat in the uncomfortable deep blue chair, staring at the grey walls of the hospital room.  Seriously, are all hospitals coloured by sad children?  Grey in this one, brown in the other.  Giving a loud sigh he shuffled and readjusted in the seat.  Days had passed and Matt still lay as motionless as ever, leaving Chris at the point where he wanted to just throw water on his face and yell for him to wake up.  “You’ve gotten your beauty sleep, so it’s time for you to wake up Princess,” he mumbled under his breath, “and I’m not going to try to kiss you awake if that’s what you’re waiting for.”

Standing up he leaned over Matt, staring at his face intensely while whispering “Wake. Up. Now.”  repeatedly.  I wonder if he can actually hear me.  Hearing a cough in the door he jolted up and looked around, finding a girl in the door.

“What are you going to do, kiss him?  Because I’ve only every seen that in Disney movies, and usually the sleeping one is a girl.  Although I don’t approve of the whole ‘Useless Princess’ stereotype, because not all girls are like that.”  She said with a smile.

Still in shock that someone walked in while he was doing that, he looked over at her with a confused expression, “Of course I wasn’t going to do that!  I already told him I wouldn’t do that.”  Leaning back he fell into the uncomfortable blue chair.  “Wait, I only said that a minute ago!  Where you listening in on my conversation?”

“Technically a conversation has to have someone responding,” she answered with a chuckle, “so no, I was not eavesdropping if that’s what you’re asking.  But I was listening to you talk to yourself.”  Giving a wink she left the doorway and went down the hall.

“Whatever,” Chris mumbled, slightly embarrassed about someone overhearing him.  “That was all your fault, you stupid unconscious person.”  Standing up he made his way over to the door.  I swear I’m not crazy and I am not letting some girl walk all over the hospital telling people I am.  What if they believe her?  What if they put me in some mental hospital for crazy people? What if the-

“I’m not stupid,” came a mumble from behind Chris, “you moron.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2011 ⏰

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