Kidnapped By A Werewolf -4-

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So here is Chapter 4!  Hope you enjoy it!

Read. Enjoy. Vote!

Chapter Four:

Anna smashed her fist against the door with a thud.  "Let me out!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, "Why are you keeping me here!"  Wriggling the doorknob for the hundredth time she rolled her eyes, "And who has a lock on their room door?  I mean, who doesn't want one, but nobody actually gets it!"  Pounding the door again she heard a muffled yell from the other side of the walls.

"Shut. Up!  How can you go on for this long?  Any normal person would have given up forty minutes ago!"

 Smirking to herself she turned and leaned her back against the door, crossing her arms.  At least I'm no normal kidnap-ee.  Kidnap-ee?  Kid..nap.. Whatever!

  Continuing to lean against the door she stopped moving and stayed as quiet as possible.   Plan time!  Several minutes passed as she waited, nothing happening in the main apartment, until she finally heard what she was looking for.  Footsteps.

Silent steps were heard padding across the floor, followed by quiet mumbling as Adrian got up from whatever he had been doing.

Holding in a laugh, Anna pressed her ear against the crack in the door and listened, only to hear nothing.  Yes!  He is totally checking up on me!  Putting her face by the crack, she waited a moment, and then suddenly let out the loudest, ear-splitting scream she could muster.

"Holy-" Adrian yelled, letting out a string of profanities from the other side of the door.  Hearing his reaction, Anna burst out laughing and fell backwards onto the bed, holding her sides.

"That.. was.. awesome!" she let out in gasps as she continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Suddenly the door burst open and Adrian stood in the frame, fuming.  His long black hair hung in his dark eyes, making him actually look menacing.

 "What the hell was that little stunt?" he raged.  Marching over he stood in front of Anna, who had fallen silent and was now sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Looking up at him she merely said, "You're really tall, aren't you," a serious expression on her face, it looked as if she didn't even notice Adrian in the room.  "You might, actually, you probably are taller than Matt."

Still fuming, Adrian glared at her, "Is that all you can think of?" Giving a huff, a smirk crept onto his face.  Looking down at Anna he continued to smile, sending shivers up her spine.  Creep, she thought.  "Was Matt the one I found you with?" he asked almost innocently.

"Yes," she replied, a little confused.

"Oh," Adrian faked a sad expression, "I killed him before I took you."  Giving a wink he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


Walking through the hallways of the hospital, Chris couldn't help but to peek into each room and smile at the patients.  He hated being there; it always seemed to bring back bad memories, but this was his routine.  Smiling at a man, probably in his late 50's, he walked through the patient's open door.

"Hello," he said, walking up beside the bed, "I'm Chris."  The man turned his head slowly and gave a meek smile.

"Don't be silly, I know who you are, Chris."  The man's voice was soft, carrying quietly through the sounds of the hospital.

"How have you been doing Mr. Lenson?" Chris asked, sitting down in the bedside chair.

"They say I'm doin-" a fit of coughs seized the man, leaving him gasping and reaching for a glass of water on the side table.

"It's okay Mr. Lenson, I can come back later when you are feeling better," he replied quietly, handing him the glass.

"No, no, no, no, no!  I want to talk to you!"  Mr. Lenson held the glass with both hands, holding it lightly as he looked at Chris.  "Where is Adrian?"

Chris felt a rush of anger and sadness wash over him, but quickly covered it and regained his composure.  "Adrian couldn't make it today, but he promises to come next time."

"Oh, well that's alright.  Well then how is Sienna?  She is such a nice girl.  I'm so glad he met her, and all thanks to you."  At the mention of her name a tidal wave of sadness hit him like a wall.  Looking away suddenly, he pretended to look out the door and into the hospitals hallway.

"She's great," Chris replied quickly, continuing to look away, "but I have to go now.  I'll make sure to come back later with everyone."  Standing up, he quickly rushed out into the hallway, walking briskly towards the exit as he composed himself.

"Chris!" he heard from behind him. Turning slowly to regain his composure, he saw Mr. Lenson's nurse Cathy.

"Hello Cathy." He answered curtly.

"Chris, I saw you walking out of Mr. Lenson's room.  Did he make any progress with his amnesia? He did remember you this time right?"

"Yes," he replied, "he remembered Adrian too."

"Oh!" her face brightened at this, "That's wonderful!"

"Yup," he input, knowing she would continue no matter what he said.

"Well it's too bad he doesn't come around anymore.  Actually, I haven't seen him in a long time.  Where did he go?  It's a shame Mr. Lenson sees you more than his actual son.  Not that it's bad-"

Nodding his head here and there he looked around the hospital absently, not in the mood to put up with her ramblings.  Hospitals really are a depressing place, he thought, regarding the dull brown wallpaper.

"Chris?"  Cathy looked at him quizzically.  "I asked if you and Adrian talk anymore."

"Oh, no we don't.  Not anymore."  Letting out a sigh he rolled his eyes, sometimes people get to you more than you thought possible.  I am not in the mood for your rambles Cathy.  Looking at her, he focused on her with more effort than natural, desperately hoping that this message would magically be heard in her mind.

"Too bad, you used to be inseparable!"  She exclaimed.  Crap.  It didn't work.  "Well I have to go tend to the patients, but I hope to see you soon."  Waving goodbye she walked off into a room.

"Bye," Chris mumbled before walking away.

So I hope you liked it! 

And any ideas what's up with Chris and Adrian?

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