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Norrington and Bryant were sitting opposite Jack in his cabin, after Norrington had filled Gillette in, and both ships were still lashed together. Beaumont had made it clear that if they were followed then Nell and the Governor would be killed, and Jack knew he wasn't bluffing. He had put sailors on watch and they were keeping a sharp eye on the Heron's  progress and direction.

Elizabeth was sitting on the edge of the bed with Will; her face was pinched with worry, one thumb in her mouth, her teeth tugging on the nail.

Gillette was standing by the door; his face a mask of distrust and disbelief but it wasn't directed at Jack and that concerned Commodore Norrington. Hock was standing by the cushioned seats staring out of the window, his face reflecting his anger and concern.

"We keep tabs on them, we never lose them and we wait for darkness; the moon is fully waned and is with us, the nights are dark, just as we need." Jack spoke quietly; one hand tugging at the braids from his chin, the other stabbing a dagger repeatedly into the map spread on the table with four bottles of rum holding it in place.

"Do you want us to follow you?" asked Norrington. A small squeak came from Gillette who looked as if he'd swallowed a lemon whole.

"No, I don't want any naval vessel within three hundred miles of them..." snorted Jack. "You'll stick out like..."

"A whore in a church," Bryant remarked dryly and rubbed his fingers over his eyes. "We can't hide in the dark like you can, but I'll be buggered if I let you sail off without knowing what happens. Commodore, permission to sail with the Pearl."

"What?" The squeak turned into a furious shout. "What are you doing? You can't plot with pirates, sail with pirates? What on earth are you thinking of?"

"Bringing the Governor and Miss Nell back alive, Captain Gillette, that's what!" Norrington's voice was sharp and brooked no argument.

"Lock them up in the brig and then go after the Heron!" Gillette was almost hopping on one foot he was so aggrieved at the current circumstances. He had been called across with two marines; but the mere thought of standing on a pirate vessel and not be killing anyone was almost his undoing.

"If you have nothing valid or worthwhile to add, Captain Gillette, I'd appreciate it if you would remain silent!" Norrington spoke coldly and the colour that flooded Gillette's face rivalled the colour of the curtains around the alcove that held Jack's bunk.

"I cannot stand by and see a Commodore of the Navy consorting with pirates." Gillette stammered.

"As you wish," Norrington replied and stood up. He crossed to the door and opened it to look out. "Mister Peters, escort Captain Gillette back to the Reclamation and then return here please."

Norrington turned to Gillette and indicated the open door with his hand. He waited until the blustering man had left the cabin before he shut the door behind him and raised his eyebrows at Bryant.

"I know you want to find them, Joshua, but I need you to take command of the Reclamation. I can't trust Captain Gillette to stand back and let us do what we have to. He'll fire on us given the chance."

Bryant's eyebrows lifted at the frank words of his commanding officer but a small thrill went through him at the thought of commanding his own ship. He closed his eyes in sudden guilt at the thought; he should be thinking of Nell not feeling elation at being Captain of the Reclamation.

"Well, Captain Bryant," Jack slurred and buried the dagger deep in the table. "I'll be needing you to haul the Heron  back to Port Royal; your brig will be full of sailors waiting to be hung and your cabin will be full of the ten percent share of the treasure but Beaumont and De Mornay will be dead by then."

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