Chapter 3

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Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever - Walt Disney.

Riley G Crawford

We have decided that we had enough of the arcade and right now we are grabbing some water from the fridge in the kitchen and ignoring Ryder.

Nothing new on the ignoring part.

On the way out of the kitchen, my mom stops us and she gives us an extremely serious look.

"Where is Ryder Riley?" I shrug in response and point behind me "somewhere in our kitchen mom."

While we start walking again, she stops us again and she looks disappointed "go get him and let him join you for the movies." I pout "mom, please can I not."

"Now, Riley." I groan and trun around to go back to the kitchen. I motion for Lola and Michaela to go on to the theatre so long and then I go to the kitchen.

"Hey funny face, my mom said I must let you watch movies with us so come." I say to Ryder while standing at the kitchen door.

He turns to face me and immediately takes a step closer to me "tell her thanks for the offer, but I am rather going to unpack. That way, we can stay out of each other's hair."  He scratches the back of his neck while looking down.

I then grab a bunch of grapes and start throwing them in my mouth "tell her yourself."

I then turn around and make my way up the stairs, half way up I hear my mom telling him its fine and that he can unpack. I simply just roll my eyes and continue eating my grapes.

If only she wasn't so fake. Both my parents were nice today because they wanted me to be nice to Ryder.

I know it.

In about a day or two, I know things are going to go back to the way it was soon.

I shake my head from my thoughts and then I continue up the stairs and to my room.

Grabbing my jacket I then walk out and I see Ryder go into his room. Instead of saying anything, I simply flip my hair over and start putting it into a messy bun.

I then hear someone chuckle and look up to see Ryder laughing at me. I know that getting into an argument now is not worth it, so I ignore him and make my way downstairs tot he theatre..

"We chose Grown Ups 2" Michaela says when I enter and smiles at me when I groan. "I watched it yesterday so carry on. I am gonna order pizza what do you guys want?" I ask deciding to just let them watch it alone.

"Chinese" Lola says and Michaela gushes before she agrees with Lola and they both sit back with popcorn and sweets. Count on them to want food too.

I go to the kitchen and grab the house phone putting in the number for the pizza place when I remember that I also have to feed Ryder so wit a sigh, I make my way upstairs to ask him if he wants anything.

I knockon the door and patiently wait for him to open thinking about how good a hostess I am, catering for the one guy I liked before he ruined my life and claimed war.

As I am about to knock again, the door opens revealing a shirtless Ryder. I try to ignore how perfect his abs look and look him in the eyes. What? I am a girl so allow me to be one!

If I see some sweet meet, I will take a good long look at it. "So we meet again." I say and he immediately looks shocked before he looks amused.

Might as well make the best of this.

"So we do." I decide to ignore the smirk on his face and then I clear my throat "My mom and dad are out, as usual, and I must feed you. So I came to ask what you would like." I gesture to the phone to show him that I am ordering take out.

"Well, what is there?" he asks leaning against the door frame making his muscles contract and nearly killing any form of breathing that I had.

Again; I am a girl.

"Oh the menu is good," I say with a joking smile on my face "There is pizza and Chinese. Make your pick." I muse. "Pizza please." he says grabbing his wallet and taking out money "I would love it if you could get me a margarita." he says while handing me the money.

"As much as I hate you, I am not taking the money. My rule is that I always pay for guest, so yeah." I said pushing away the money and looking down at the floor when I see him give me an 'aw you are nice.' look.

Seeing my embarrassment, he chuckles "if you say so Hollywood." I give an exparated sigh and overdramatically type the phone number for the pizza showing him to wait. I then put it the my ear and wait for them to answer.

They finally pick up and in an odd way knew it was me. Not really, I eat pizza a lot, I also don't understand the science behind me not being fat.

"Hey John." I pipe up "I am good thanks. Yeah, mom and dad are out again, nothing new though." I listen to his response and then smile. "Exactly, nothing pizza can't fix." I say with a laugh "anyway, I need my usual but this time I need two please."

I smile when he quickly places my order "thanks John, see you in 30." I hang up and look at Ryder who is staring at me "What?"

"Sounds like you two are close." I shrug with a nod, not making a big deal about it "well, how else must I get food into my body?"

"Umm, I don't know, cook" I scoff "please, everything I know about cooking, I learned from my gran and she passed away last year. So pizza it is." An emotion crosses his face almost as if he is feeling sorry for me "wow, that's tough, I am so sorry."

I do nothing other than shrug "it's cool I just..." I trail off then looked at him again remembering why all my feeling for him vanished three years ago.

Fun fact, I had the biggest crush on him since fifth grade and then he ruined it all. He started everything and I finished it only for him to start again and then I used all my feelings and made them hateful. "never mind, the food will be here now and the I will bring it for you."

I walk away and place the other orders for my friends. I then get the money from my purse and go downstairs.

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