Chapter 11: Shatter

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I was doing my daily stalking.

Don't judge.

I walked up the stairs, tripping yet again but managing to recover before I fell, and made my way up to the apartment. Looking through the window, I saw Alice and Lucifer, that damned demon, playing some pocky game. Something inside me snapped, and I burst in before they could do anything.

"Geez." I heard Lucifer whisper. In the corner of the room, Ashiya was stood clutching a frying pan like a sword, obviously scared by the sudden intrusion.

"Why are you here." Said Lucifer, rather bluntly. Playfully slapping his arm, Alice said, "Don't be so rude! Hi Emi! What are you doing here?"

"Oh! Um... I just stopped by to say hello!!" I said, not sure what to say. Alice nodded and then started talking with Lucifer again.

Walking up to Ashiya, I hissed "What is that damned demon doing with that angelic beauty?"

No reply.

Looking at Ashiya, I saw his face wrinkled up, eye twitching.


"Did you just INSULT my OTP?" He said, shaking manically.

Taking a step back, I put my hands up in defence. Soon enough, he returned to his manly baking.

"Damn! I don't have any sprinkles to put on these cupcakes! Alice, could you please go and get me some from the shop? If I go, the NEET will eat all of them!" Ashiya said. Nodding, Alice slipped on her shoes and walked out of the door, while Lucifer glared at Ashiya and the cupcakes.

I started forming a plan. I needed to protect Alice. What if that demon takes advantage of her, what if he hurts her?

I can't let that happen.

A few minutes later, I saw Alice through the window coming back, carrying some shopping bags. Seems she did the week's shopping as well. Ashiya went outside to help bring them in.

As Alice ran up the stairs, I did the first thing that came to mind. As she opened the door, I grabbed Lucifer and kissed him.
Alice's POV:
I skipped up the stairs to the apartment. Lucifer said he was gonna show me a new game!

As I opened the door, I heard a loud bang. Peering into the room, I saw the worst sight I had ever seen.

Lucifer and Emi kissing.


My heart broke into a million pieces.

"L-Lucifer..." I croaked out, tears already dripping down my cheeks. Pulling away from Emi's grasp, he looked at me with a horrified expression.

"Alice! It's not what it looks like I swear to God!" He shouted.

I started retreating out of the room, shaking my head while tears rapidly cascaded down my face. I began sobbing and ran out of the apartment, running into Ashiya on the way, making him drop his bags. I ran, not knowing where my legs would take me.

I just wanted to be as far away from there as possible.
Lucifer's POV:

"WHAT THE HELL EMI?!" I shouted. I was seething.
A) She just freakin kissed me.
B) Alice got the wrong idea and probably hates me now.
C) The one person I love more than anything that has ever existed has just ran away and wants nothing to do with me.

"Oh shut up you filthy demon, let me explain." Emi said, disgust lacing her voice. "Alice is a perfect, angelic girl, whereas you are a damned demon from the depths of hell. You could take advantage of her at any point, and if she got hurt I would've killed you. It's for the best."

"No! No it's not! Did you not see how hurt she looked? DID YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH PAIN SHE WAS IN?! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, I WOULD NEVER HURT HER!" I shouted. "C-Can you not see? I love her. I'm hopelessly, helplessly, madly in love with her." Tears were rapidly falling down my cheeks at this point.

Wiping my face, I stood up, hair covering my eyes.

"I'm going to find her. If you dare stop me, I swear to god I'll rip your heart out."

With that, I sprinted off into the twilight.

I need to find her
I need to find Alice

Those words repeated in my head like a broken stereo.

Hey! I'm not even joking I'm almost crying rn WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FEELS OMG. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! As I've said before, his will have a happy ending, don't go and sacrifice someone to satan! That's my job. ... Anyways, see you next chapter!

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