Chapter 4: So Close Yet So Far

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Alice's POV:
Today has been extremely boring. Ashiya is out, Maou and Chiho are working, Emi is working and Urushihara is just sat at his computer.

"Uruuuushiii~ Can we do something? I'm bored." I say, poking him. He mumbles something and carries on playing his game.

"Huh? What did you say?" I ask.
More mumbles.
Sighing and blushing a bit, he says "Well... We could... G-go out s-somewhere together if you want to..."
I grab his hand and leap up, dragging him out the front door.
Time skip!
Still Alice's POV:
I took Lucifer to the park. I have a secret spot in the woods there. There's a small clearing by a river. It's beautiful and serene.

I opened my bag and took out the pocky I bought earlier. Handing one to Urushihara, we begin to talk.
Urushihara's POV:
Me and Alice talked for what seemed forever. The sky begun to get dark so we decided to go home. I stood up and I was about to help her up when a tree root tripped me. I closed my eyes, bracing and when I opened them I saw bright blue. I'd tripped over onto Alice.


Our faces were inches apart, if one of us moved we'd be kissing. Not wanting to make things awkward between us, I leap up, apologising and we head home.
Alice's POV:
Damn! So close.

If only he didn't have those damn mesmerising eyes! I couldn't move an inch!

Oh well.
Maybe next time.

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