Chapter 3: Making Friends.

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Alice's POV:
Maou said he was bringing a friend over after work today! I'm kinda shy about it, I'm not really good around new people. I'm pretty sure it will be Chiho, so she'll probably shout at me about Maou, and Emi will probably come as well. Even though I know their personalities well and what to say and not say, I'm still nervous. I've never been good around people. When I woke up here, I felt I could trust Maou and Urushihara so I was fine talking to them. Maou is like a big brother, Ashiya is like a father, and Urushihara... He's the "I-want-him-to-love-me" one. Overall, we're a big family.
Time skip :)
Still Alice's POV:
Maou was almost home from work and I was getting more nervous. I'm just glad it wasn't a surprise. If it was, I would be all flustered and I'd probably die.

I felt myself getting even more worried about what could be. What if I say something really offensive without meaning to?! What if they hate me?! Feeling tears prick my eyes, I crawled over to where Lucifer was typing at his computer.

"U-Urushihara..." I said, my voice cracking. He turned to look at me, hearing the worry in my voice. His expression softened at me.

"What's wrong Alice?" He questioned, worry clear in his tone. "I'm nervous around new people and Maou said he was bringing a friend home after work... I'm scared." I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks. Urushihara softly took my hand and squeezed it, blushing and also causing me to blush.

"Don't worry, I'll hold your hand the whole time." He said with a soft smile. We ended up staring at each other for a while, getting lost in each other's eyes. We started to lean in slightly, but Maou and Chiho burst through the door, Emi behind them. Maou looked at us and sighed, but then introduced us. I was nervous, but with Urushihara by my side, I was calmed.
Another time skip!
Alice's POV:
That went well! Apart from the fact that Chiho kept screaming about Maou and my relationship with him, screaming about how cute I was with my ears, and the fact Emi glared at Urushihara constantly, it went okay! As promised, Urushihara held my hand the whole time, whenever I had a slight panic attack he would give it a squeeze. I was so comfortable around him. It was like we could do anything together and it wouldn't be awkward. We're so similar, we really understand how the other feels. In the past month I've been living here, he's helped me with so much. He knows I get panic attacks, and I'm scared of quite a lot, like storms and things. Whenever I have a panic attack he's the only one who can calm me down. He acts really out of character. He hugs me and strokes my hair until I inevitably fall asleep. He just... Makes me happy.
Urushihara's POV:

This evening was certainly interesting. Even though it must be awful to be so scared to meet new people, I'm happy it gave me an excuse to be close to her for the evening. Emi didn't seem too happy about it though, but she didn't say anything. Alice's hands are so soft, like a little kitten. God, what that girl does to me. She's like a drug. I can't get enough of her. Once I met her, I was hooked. I love everything about her, from her laugh, to her eyes, to her smile, agh EVERYTHING! She's just so perfect! I wa- No. I need her to be mine. Only mine.

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