Hi there!

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Hi! This is just going to be a brief description of the plot and character my friend and I created for our story:
Character description:
Name: Alice Davis
Age: 15
Hair: Long, golden.
Eyes: Turquoise.
Skin: Fair.
Interests: Plays the piano, enjoys anime and manga, has a keen interest in ice skating, loves sweets, animal lover <--this will show in the first couple of chapters
Personality: Generally happy, but shy and introverted. Prefers to stay out of the way of people she doesn't know. She's very creative and loves all sorts of arts. Dance, drawing, music, the lot!

Plot: When people die, we say they go to heaven. We have a belief that heaven is this lovely cloudy place, with Angels and doves, no pain, you know what I mean. This may be a wonderful place to be, but it may not be the ideal place for some people. This story revolves around that. When Alice dies at the age of 15, she thinks she will just go to heaven. She wakes up to find herself in a dark room. Her brain had been checked to find out what her sort of heaven is. That's where she is taken. That's where her story begins.

Sorry if this doesn't make too much sense, it's kinda hard to explain! It will make sense in the actual story though.

Bye bye!!
Rhyme (acc owner) & Sophie xxx

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