Chapter: 6

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(HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (・ω・)ノ oh my god my cake is perfect!!! I'll a give you a guys a new chapter because yay!
(Okay so much for doing it yesterday xD well I'm hungover as shit and I'm refusing to face my parents today xD so I'll just update fanfics all day xD so much for spending my second day of my birthday xD)

I ended up going home, alone, I believed it to be better for something to happen to me, rather than getting anyone else into trouble... Plus... I didn't want to make him mad anymore... Me and Leigh caught a bus home, I got off before him; my house was closer. The second I got home I shut the front door behind me, not bothering to lock it; Jeff would probably turn up anyway... Looking around the whole house was dark, all the curtains are still shut from the night before, it wasn't that dark, but it was dim, with the only light being that that made its way through the curtains. I sigh before leaning my back against the door, sliding down until I'm sat there hugging my knees. The pain had numbed a bit now... but not emotionally... I still didn't understand why it was me that got caught up in all of this...
"You came home then?.." I look up to see Jeff grinning as he came down the stairs...
"Where else could I go?.." I say resting my head on my knees. I hear him laugh as he walked towards me... for fucks sake...
He kneels down and pulls open my legs before sitting in between them then pins my arms to the door behind me and begins to roughly kiss me, I moan slightly but don't try to stop him... What point was there when he was always going to win...
He pulls away and tilts his head at me... "You're not trying to stop me?"
I look towards him and shake my head... 'Maybe he only gets the rush when I try and stop him?.. So if I don't try... Maybe he'll get bored?..'
He chuckles before slightly loosening the grip on my wrists, " I won't pin you down, as long as you play along?" He smiles, which you would think is impossible seeing as he already has a big ass smile carved into his face, but he smiles...
'Well... He's not going to stop... And by doing what he wants he won't hurt anyone... I suppose I may as well get used to it...'
I bite my lip and think of what I should do, I see him sigh and begin to lose patience so quickly without thinking lean in and place a kiss on his lips. I pull away blushing slightly as he breathes out a laugh, "see not so hard is it." His hands leave my wrists and instead move to my ass as he stands, picking me up, then carries me to the couch, I hold onto his hoodie, not wanting to throw my arms around his neck to him...
He lays me on the couch before lying on top of me in between my legs, his lips lock with mine before I feel his tongue lick in between my lips, I open my mouth hesitantly and feel his tongue slide across mine, he tasted like iron almost, and rustic because of the blood, if it wasn't for that... He'd actually be a really good kisser... I keep that thought in my mouth as I begin to join into the kiss more, swirling my tongue with his as I slowly move my hands to the back of his neck, I get used to the kiss, and actually kind of like it... If this dude hadn't already raped me twice and kill my dad... I'd actually consider... I'm snapped out of thought when he reaches his hand down to his jeans and unzips them, I pull away from the kiss to hear him sigh... "Look, you should know by now that either way I'm going to fuck you. So if I were you I'd just go along with it." I reach down with my own hands and unbutton my jeans, then pull them off for the second time in 24 hours... Only difference being this time I did it myself. He pulls my panties off completely, and I blush as he kneels in between my legs, placing his hard member in between the sides of my entrance, and rubs it up and down, as he does so I feel the pleasure start to kick in over the fear, he pulls away before spitting down onto my bud, with amazing accuracy. His warm spot runs down into my entrance, and starts to drop out, which he stops with his member, then gently pushes in the tip before thrusting the rest in deep and hard, I moan in a mixture of feelings, it hurt, but not as much knowing that he was giving me some lease. "Just relax and it'll be easier for both of us..." He trails his hands to my waist and does a few thrusts to make sure I was open enough for his movement before pushing himself fully into me until I touch his crotch, he then uses one hand to fondle my breast, and the other to hold himself up as he begins to deeply kiss me, as he bucks his hips, the intense pleasure from my breast, the kiss, and the actual fact he was fucking me was actually really nice... As he continued there lost almost all fear... Until I hear the front door unlock and open...
"Jeff! Get off someone's coming!" I whisper to him as I panic... he just looks down at me and smirks before changing his thrusting force from a gentle pleasurable one, to a hard rough one... I moan loudly before covering my mouth, "how about you shut the fuck up? you're aware there's someone here yet you're moaning like that you dirty slut... no need to tell the whole world how much you love being forcefully fucked by my cock!" I hear him laugh as I close my eyes in embarrassment and pain as I try to push him off.
"Get the fuck off her!!" I hear Leigh's voice bellow as he slams open the door bursting into the room. Jeff just laughs and does a final thrust before pulling out.
"Leigh!!" I cry to him pleading for his help...
I watch terrified as Leigh lunges for Jeff with his both arms out, aiming for his throat... My heart stops when things turn... So quickly I could barely notice Jeff grab his knife from his pocket and effortlessly slice Leigh's throat... My eyes widen as I stare, to shocked to cry... I watch as his body quickly looses life and collapses to the ground... Blood pooling the area like a river, flowing from the wound... I scream with a mixture of feelings before diving off the couch. I begin to back away before the tears stream down my face, I turn and dash for my bedroom not looking back...
I dive into my bed with so many feelings rushing though my head... 'Leigh had just died... Jeff had that knife in his pocket the whole time... What if he was planning to kill me?.. That was the first dead body I've ever seen and to make it worse... it was Leigh's... what if I had the blame because it was in my house?!' I lie there crying as I pull the blankets over my head... But the one worst thing... I couldn't get that image out of my head...

Until death do us part... (Jeff the killer x reader Lemon!)Where stories live. Discover now