Chapter: 4

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(Smut again, please excuse me for what I am about to write :') )

"Uhh... Jeff the killer?.. (Your name) are you sure you're feeling okay?.."
I sigh and drop my head, "I knew I shouldn't have said anything..."
"Hey... I know this guy looks like him... but-"
"No it was!" I snap... although I probably did sound crazy...

*knock knock knock*

Me and Leigh both turned our heads hearing the front door knock. "I'll go, stay here..." he says as he leaves the room... 'shit... What if it's Jeff...'
I stand to get off the bed but feel something grab my ankle. My eyes widen as I freeze and look down to see a pale hand, coming from a white hooded sleeve holding my ankle...
"Scream or say anything and lover boy over there dies. I told you not to tell anyone didn't I. Now I'm willing to give you one more fucking chance. leave with me now through the window. and he doesn't die!"
It was Jeff... I feel as if my heart is in my throat as I walk over to the window and unhook the lock. I hear 'Jeff' crawl out from under the bed and begin to walk towards me... so I quickly get out off the window and climb down the drain pipe... Once down I step aside and look down... not wanting to meet the eyes of the killer... I hear him land and see his black suit trousers with his black converse...
"Move then. Into the woods."
I hesitantly turn and begin to walk towards the woods that surrounded the back of Leigh's house.
'Well... At least it wasn't Jeff at Leigh's door...'
I begin to quicken my pace, hearing Jeff's footsteps behind me before he roughly grabs my arm.
I gasp from a mixture of shock and pain but refuse to give him any more emotion... These were the rough hands that were holding me that night... These were the hands of a Killer... Jeff The Killer to be precise..
"Look at me." He snarls, I keep my head down... Terrified to see the face that looks so gruesome in photos... He grabs hold of my jaw, so rough he was digging in the bones from the joints of his finger. my eyes widen in fear as I'm finally met face to face with him... His jet black hair falling to his shoulders, with only a slight section over his pale, scale like skin... His eyes bordered in black, stared into mine as if they were were about to suck out my soul... His Crystal blue pupils (sorry if you prefer him with red eyes, just picture that) however, almost looked like a warm river reflecting the sunlight during spring... The sheer beauty of his eyes was forgotten however when the most haunting part of him was realised... The sides of his mouth gaped open, dried up dark blood surrounded the wounds, and a musk rustic smell filled the air as he spoke, his voice horse...
"Do I look like I'm playing a fucking game to you?!"
I begin to tremble in fear and can feel my heart racing... He brings up his knife and holds the point to my throat, almost piercing it.
"Answer me!"
"N-No!" I whimper as my eyes begin to tear up...
"Smart girl. However..." he flips his knife as he speaks, so the blade was going horizontally across my throat... One swift movement would easily slit through my skin and muscle... "You were not smart enough to keep your fucking mouth shut!" He bellows into my ears causing my breath to catch as I begin to cry... Which was the one thing I didn't want! I didn't want to show him I was afraid... I'll just have to teach you a lesson won't I... How about I give you a beautiful smile just like mine... so you'll never be able to forget me..." He pulls the knife away from my neck and I see my only opportunity to escape unfold... I spit into his face as I kick his left shin causing him to drop, as he does I turn and run as fast as my legs can carry me, fear making me run even faster... I was finally getting away! Or so I thought... I feel an intense shooting pain hit me in the back of the head as I'm dropped to the floor, my vision is blurred and my head feels dizzy as I see a rock land next to me... 'That bastard...' I squint my eyes in pain as I hear him laugh, slowly getting closer to me... I weakly push myself up onto my hands and knees... The thorns from various bushes and plants around me pierce the skin in my hands causing me to take a sharp breath in pain... As I lift up one arm and knee to take a crawl forward I'm knocked onto my side with a boot to the stomach.
"You Bitch!" I feel my head be pulled back by my hair then pinned so I'm lying on my stomach, I throw my arms in front of me so my face wouldn't hit the thorns in the force. "You think you can get away from me huh?!" I feel his hand grab my jeans from behind and begin to pull them down, "No please not again!" I cry, begging him to stop... I couldn't deal with this again...
"I'm not doing the same as last time! This is a punishment! Stupid girls need to learn when they've done things wrong!" My heart begins to race as I kick my legs in attempt to escape, only to have them pinned back down by his knees pushing them down, the thorns pushed through my jeans, and pierced my skin, followed by warm blood... My jeans were at my mid thigh when he did it... He was right... this wasn't going to be like last time... I felt his spit trail past my entrance to lubricate the area, but this wasn't going to be the same entrance as last time...
(Anal xD but I don't know how to put it... Basically he's going to do anal.)
I try to pull away but he only digs his knees further into the backs of my legs, tears start to fall from my face in panic as he places his top against the new area, then slowly starts to push it in... 'The pain was agonising! How could anyone find this pleasurable!' I jerked myself forward causing him to slip out of me, then swung my arm back trying to hit him, he only grabbed my wrist and twisted it... stupidly enough I swung my other arm back in an attempt to escape only to have him grab that one too... I was in an extremely uncomfortable position... I couldn't move... And to make it worse... I knew I couldn't escape what was about to happen...
I hear him laugh dark and sadistically...
"Don't you get it? You're my Bitch now... You're only making it harder on yourself by denying the facts..."
Saying no more he yanks roughly at my wrists, pulling me back, entering me fully with a strong force, I scream out in pain, echoing through the forest as the tears stream down my cheeks, the pain was unbearable... And I thought last time was bad...
He continues to laugh psychotically, which can be heard through my screams...
"What?! You think screaming is going to fucking help you? Fine I'll scream too. AGH SOMEBODY HELP!!" I begin to cry harder as he begins to not only thrust but pound my tight hole...
"Stupid bitch, if you wanted to run back to lover boy's house you should've ran the other way? You know the way we came?!" He continues thrusting as if he was never going to slow down... he wasn't even acting like it was pleasurable or anything... he had no reaction to what he was doing to me what's so ever... I however felt more than enough pain to last me a lifetime... "J-Jeff... please!" I cry wanting him to stop... "I can't take this anymore!!"
"Please?.. As in Please go faster?.." I hear him chuckle and I widen my eyes,
"N-no! Please stop--"
"Well seeing as you asked so nicely..."
"No!---argh!!!!!!" I cry out as he seems to go even faster and harder still, however this time I hear slight moans escape his mouth... Which wasn't the point! With one final push making sure he's deepest inside me he stops and holds there... Almost feeling like he's inside my stomach... I breath heavily and uneven, crying loudly to try and numb the pain...
"Seeing as you're going to tell people either way... I don't see the whole point in me worrying about leaving evidence... I'll just have to punish you more until you learn!" Saying this he bursts his seed inside me, due to the tightness I was able to feel it shoot through his shaft... He hesitantly moans as he fills me with his liquids, before pulling out and dropping me to the ground... I lie there crying... his liquids pouring out of my hole every time I breathed out... he stands up and zips up his trousers before looking down at me. "Pathetic child... You're mine now so I will use you as I wish, you may as well get used to the pain and not fucking cry over it. And if you tell anyone about this... I won't only be teaching you a lesson physically... but emotionally..."
Saying this he turns and walks into the woods, leaving my there on the floor... I watch him leave until he can be seen no more, then look at my bloody hand, covered in multiple cuts from the thorns... then grimace as I use my one hand to pull my jeans up... Rolling slightly onto my side and staring into blank space, I begin to cry a silent cry... wondering what to do...
'If I go home... my parents will be out... however I can't walk around the streets like this... plus it'll be the first place Leigh will look for me... I can't go to Leigh's... he'll make me tell him what happened and then...' I begin to choke on my breath as I remember what had just happened and cry even more... My options were very little... but before I had enough time to come to a conclusion... my head began to feel heavy as the world swirled around me... then... darkness...

(I swear I'm only getting more twisted in the whole smut thing...0.0 )

Until death do us part... (Jeff the killer x reader Lemon!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя