The Day It All Started

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  "Sabrina, how do you think you did on Finals?" 

  "You know how I hate singing in public. I really don't think they know how much I hate it."

  She turned to face her best friend at the school. Carter seemed shy but she acted like she was punk rock and is punk rock. Sabrina was always confused how she was friends with her, but in a way they were alike. She doesn't know how, she just knows. 

  "Well you've obviously done well to stay at the school. With your circumstances and all." Sabrina looked down. 

  "Yeah, thanks for all your help. You don't understand how much I love you!" Carter was the only one who knew Sabrina was a scholarship student. Sabrina was thankful for all the help. Carter was one of many rich kids that go to Ace IT Performing Art High School. (A/N This is a fake school I made up so please don't look it up). It's one of the best in the country. Walking home, they were ready for a well needed break, but of course in life things don't always go your way. Suddenly shadows were standing over them.

  "Well, look who it is. The outcast and her loser friend." She knew that voice all to well. Carter put on a poker face but inside she was a storm ready to be let go. Everyday they dealed with these boys and now it seemed like lately it was worst.

  It went from threats to sexual harassment fast. The more they resisted the more they touched. That wasn't what bothered her though. Sabrina and Carter both know that one day it would lead up to something. Little did they know this was the day.

  One of the boys grabbed both their wrist. "Let go", Carter yelled. The boys just kept pushing and pulling them into an empty street. Sabrina knew this wouldn't end well. "I have to get home, so leave me alone", Sabrina tried to push her way out, only to be pushed back into a brick wall.

  The fittest boy in the group stepped up. Leaning against the wall, he pushed close to her.

  "Sabrina wants to be left alone boys. She wants to go home", he mocked her and she had a feeling this was only the beginning, "I got a deal. We do whatever we want with you and Carter over here can go." He cradled her face in his hand. She turned away, looking at Carter.

  "Fi-" "No." Sabrina was cut off by Carter. "What are you doing? If you stay, they'll do whatever they want with both of us. If you leave at least you are okay."

  "Cut the crap Sabrina. You know they are two-sided jerks. Your emotions will be your downfall if you keep this up. You think they will let me go, think again." Sabrina glanced at Carter than back at Peter in front of her.

  "Your friend is smart", he slid his hand down her back and up her shirt, "Emotions are you downfall." Before, she knew what was happening Sabrina was pulled into a car, then Carter was beside her.

  She could hear yelling outside. Then the crunch of their shoes as they tried to chase after the car. Both girls were smiling, not knowing how this good fortunate came this way. They felt happy, secure, but also dread at what would happen tomorrow. They pushed it down to be dealt with later. Carter happily stared out the window while Sabrina looked beside her. She was shocked when she saw a boy about her age sitting right beside her. Hayes was staring right at her. He was happy that he had gotten to them in time.

  All Sabrina really noticed about him was his brilliant blue eyes. She saw the fun and laughter in his eyes, but also the loneliness. How he seemed to be missing that certain twinkle that kids their age should have. He knew she was seeing something no one ever saw and looked down. She smiled.

  "So our night in shining armor is a fifteen year old boy Carter. Interesting." Carter finally noticed the boy. She smirked and gave Sabrina the signal they had when they thought a boy was cute. She quickly ran a finger down her nose. Then she started to giggle, softly at first then so hard that tears ran down her face. Sabrina couldn't help but join in also.

  Hayes not knowing what was going on, stared at them in utter confusion. Honestly who wouldn't. Although, it wasn't long before he joined in with them. They probably looked crazy laughing, not probably but did. Hayes, Carter, and Sabrina didn't realize then that that would be only one of more moments like that to come.

  Well that's how she wished she had met him. Would've been easier than what actually happened. Instead it all started on a lie..........

  She was still coming back from school with Carter, but since it was the last day they decided to celebrate. Shopping at Hot Topic.

  "Carter check this out! It's 5sos merch!" Sabrina was standing near a whole display of it. Carter threw a look of disgust her way. Carter thought she was tricking people but everyone knew she loved them. She fingered a shirt. "Come on Sabrina, you could like a band way better." She dropped the shirt. Sabrina rolled her eyes, knowing if she spoke she would get a lecture. Spending their time, they shopped and came out with two bags each.

  "Let's eat, I'm starving. Why don't we go to Chipotle, my treat", Carter said as they walked around the mall. Passing shops, people, and some friends, they walked whispering. Waiting in line, Sabrina felt someone looking at her. She turned around to see a boy with playful blue eyes and smile that was kind. Cutie alert, she thought to herself.

  She nudged Carter to turn around. As she did, Sabrina whispered "He's cute...." The girls looked at each other. "DIBS", they yelled at the same time. Glaring at Carter, "I saw him first."

  "Then talk to him", dared her best friend. Determined to outdo her friend she did. Ignoring the stares of people around, she walked up to him. Just as she was abut to open her mouth, he turned and spilled his drink and burrito all over her. She gasped shocked, hands frozen in the air like the rest of her.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, really!" He fumbled around, grabbing napkins and apologising. Hayes was red. She saw Carter walking over, and then slowly looked at her outfit. Her flannel shirt would be easy to clean, but the white skinny jeans not so easy. Her jeans were ruined.

  She grabbed the napkins held out to her and dabbed her pants. "It's okay really. I can always buy a new pair later." Carter dabbed at her shirt while Hayes stood there awkwardly.

  They all moved to a table outside as a worker mopped the floor. "I said talk to him, not embarrass him", Carter said slyly. Sabrina groaned in response. "I'm so sorry about that, honestly. It wasn't your fault, it was mine." Hayes looked at her. He laughed. "I had wanted to talk to you, but this was more than I bargained for. I didn't think a girl as pretty and nice as you would talk to me anyway. I don't get a lot of attention from girls."

  "I'm Sabrina, this is Carter and you have our attention."

  Hayes hesitated slightly. "I'm Benjamin, but if you want you can call me by my middle name, Van."

  That was the lie that started this whole thing. If only they knew.

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