Chapter 15

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"We've been searching for ages, where the hell could he be?" Harry was growing extremely worried.

Him and Zayn had been searching everywhere for Louis without any luck. They tried calling on his phone, only to get no reply at all. Not for the texts, nor the phone calls. They went to everyone's houses and work place that Louis knew of, but Louis wasn't there at all. They tried the mall, the local parks, all the places they could think of, Louis wasn't anywhere to be found.

Zayn had called Paul to tell him about this and Paul had said he'll be searching for him. And here Harry and Zayn were carpooling and looking everywhere they could. They had skipped the lunch time but weren't getting hungry at all. Only concerns they owned at the point were all about Louis.

"I have no idea." Zayn parked his car at the side of the road.

Zayn was wondering where Louis could've been. He never knew Louis was wanting to leave. And if so, where did he go? Louis didn't have anywhere to be. Zayn and Louis had spent their almost entire lives together and knew everything about each other.

Apparently not, Zayn guessed.

Harry was looking at his lap, remembering everything that has ever happened in his life with Louis around. And he couldn't believe how terribly ungrateful he had acted towards the guy. He couldn't believe how he threw everything Louis had ever done to him, for him, out the window. He now realized what would he feel like without having Louis in his life. Incomplete.

His eyes started filling up with tears and he kept cursing himself in his head. It was all his fault that Louis had lied to everyone and gone. Louis had literally disappeared. They didn't receive a call or text from Paul saying that he had found him either.

Harry went from spending most of the time and sharing things with Louis for almost a decade to losing him completely in just a night.

He could've said something. He could've done something yesterday night. He should've done something last night. He literally had Louis break and scream out what he felt and what Harry did was just broke him even more. Louis looked in so much pain the other night and Harry didn't do anything about it.

Now Harry was the one in pain. He literally was feeling like his chest was closing in and his heart getting suffocated. He was blinking fast to not let the tears drop. He was trying to silently get his breathing to stable down because it was getting heavier.

Zayn was looking out of his window all this time, here and there, in some silent hope of magically having his eyes drop onto Louis. He sighed after about five minutes of hopeless eye wandering. He looked at his lap, his arms were crossed in front of his chest. He pinched his nose, immensely distressed about his best friend.

He looked out again in same hopes but immediately turned his face to Harry when he heard a low sniffle. Harry had his face turned to his side, away from Zayn, elbow on the car door and fist loosely over his mouth, his index finger was reaching his eye and rubbed it before he closed his fist again. Zayn didn't miss how his finger became wet after that.

Zayn knew having Louis gone out of the blue was painful for himself and all the while thinking about Louis and himself, he completely forgot how Harry would be feeling. The boy had the person who practically saved his life in every way vanished like this. Even though Harry went away for two months himself, now was when he was feeling alone without Louis. And Zayn could see. You always realize what you had when you lose it.

He knew he was hard on Harry earlier that day and now he felt bad about it. Sure it had been hours passed but now was when he actually thought about it. He didn't know what happened at Harry's house last night and he wanted to but he didn't know if he should ask about it at the moment.

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