She nodded, then pulled back. "I'll be fine. Where are we going, did the Doctor tell you?" Phina asked, yawning as she flicked through more dresses on the shelves. "Because last time he aimed for a ball we ended up seeing his parents by accident."

That sounded like the Doctor, always getting us lost and to the wrong time period. "It's just some fancy party in Venice." I smiled, looking over at her. "Modern day, with masks, so you can pretend to be who you want. We're going in separately, so the Doctor and Rory have to find us, to know that it's us."

"I like the sound of that." Phi smiled a little, pulling out a long black dress, high necked and reaching her ankles. "How does that look?"

My sister was drop dead gorgeous in everything she wore. But this was the opposite of her wedding dress, that was on a mannequin on the far wall, along with the Doctor's tuxedo, my maid of honour dress and a group photo of everyone. In the wedding dress, she looked sweet and innocent, in this? She looked more like a fallen Angel, her curly hair beautifully around her face, but her eyes were as wicked as could be, the bronze having lightened to a gold around her iris.

"This gives me a plan. A masquerade is another word for a fancy dress party, right?"

Her face lit up in a mischievous grin.


"Amy, let me dye it. I've made a semi permanent that will wash out right away." I begged, having already temp died mine black with red streaks, that worked amazingly with the red and black feathers on the wings I had. Amy's were dark grey with jade green, that went well with her green dress. "Trust me, the semi permanent is fully legal, the cosmetic board in the Milky Way galaxy have already approved of it."

She sighed, then nodded. "Fine, but only because it'll work for the boys finding it hard to find us, OK?"

I just grinned and got to work with her hair, turning it a silvery grey that faded to the emerald at the bottom, meaning that she looked like a Valkyrie. "Now, we need alias's for the evening. I can't use any of my normal ones, Ryoko, Sarah or Demetria. So... Isobel. Issy. What do you think? Isobel Pierce and her sister something else Pierce."

"I'd say Katherine, seeing as that is so a Vampire Diaries reference, but Katherine Pierce is a dead give away that it's us. Uh... Sophie. Only thing I can think of. Isobel and Sophie Pierce, Fallen Angels that stay together." Ame's grinned and I couldn't help but grin back, finding it infectious. "At least your dress covers the fact that you're not wearing shoes."

Oh, that was a God send. I could not stand shoes after wearing them for 20 years, it took a month to sort out my toes after that. "Ready to go, dear Sophie?" I offered her my arm, and let her take it, leading her out of the TARDIS, knowing that the boys were already done.

The TARDIS was parked not far from where people were being announced, and the moment we stepped into the light people were staring at us, the women sending jealous glares, and the men lustful glances, but we were too busy making sure that the boys weren't cheating. Which they weren't. This was a game for them, and I was curious to know if they'd recognise us on sight.

Amy went first to the announcer. "Announcing, Lady Sophie Pierce of the Sky, Fallen Angel, Falling for the love of a Mortal." She walked down, and a lot of the men were staring at her, with the silver and green, as well as the deep red mask covering half her face. Next was me. "Announcing, Lady Isobel Pierce, Fallen Angel. Falling for the risk and chance the future may hold."

It was surreal, looking at the differences between now and the last time I'd been here when the Doctor proposed. Everyone was so much less rigid and there was noise that was more than boots on the ground or the melody's playing from the band. People were talking, laughing and drinking wine. It was brilliant.

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