Lets Build a Blanket Fort

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 I have yet to open my eyes to the bright morning sun, but the first thing I greet the day with is a blistering smile. Today is the day. 

It's snowing, as usual, and cold as hell even in the house. I'm in bed alone this morning, Brendon is usually at work in the mornings or he chose not to stay the night out of some strange act of chivalry.

But not for much longer.

Today is the day my beautiful boyfriend gets promoted. Promotion means reward. More money, more freedom and best of all, a one month leave. During which, he moves in with me. Today is the day. I lazily sit up and walk to the kitchen across the freezing wood floor; oh New York, how I love thy weather.

I know that at this pointing our relationship, we've seen each other's true self, he burps and farts and makes all kind of gross noises, I scream and overreact and am too stubborn to apologize. There is no impressing each other now. Yet, I'd like his first day in his new home to be perfect. I want the floors polished and the glass wall shining, I even put on the fireplace that I haven't used in forever.

And for extra ambiance, I brought down every blanket and pillow and threw it to the ground where the fort will be. I'm going to make him build our date this me.

I have the perfect scene set up. Brendon's favorite foods and a good movie, a love nest made of blankets and pillows, nice smells and dim lights, a clean home to come to thanks to his new roommate.

    "Honey, I'm home!" He singsongs. Home. 

    "In here!" I shout. 

    "Oh." Is all he says when he enters. Brendon looks at the intimate setting, then me, and smiles. I throw myself into his arms and he kisses my head, "Ren, baby you have certainly out done yourself." He chuckles.
    "Thanks." Perfect date achieved, "I was thinking Elf and food to celebrate the new job/house?" I don't even need an answer besides a peck on the forehead, I had him at Elf. He sees that we're going to attempt the blanket fort again and takes off his suit jacket., knowing this may take a while. 

And ten minutes later we still haven't gotten it, we were in tears from laughing so hard. we were having so much trouble with our makeshift teepee, it wouldn't stay up, the blankets were everywhere, I was getting frustrated until he started with the innuendos, and honestly, I set myself up for it. 

    "Oh my god!" I laugh, "Go get the broom, we are never getting this." I pick up the blanket once more to set up the tent, and this time with the broom it works. 

For the rest of the night we cuddled in our shelter from the cold. We ate chocolate covered strawberries and popcorn, and finished off my stash of junk food. And when the movie finished, we refused to move. So we sat there and talked. About random things, anything and everything. He kissed my neck and listed off things he likes about me, I told corny jokes and we told each other what we wanted for Christmas, he called me his beautiful boy and I called him my handsome man, we looked outside at the falling snowflakes through the glass wall and named everyone we could catch while flying by, we kissed cheeks and mouths and legs and arms and he even licked my stomach in a failed attempt to be sexy. The night seemed to last forever, and I'm grateful.

And even when we had nothing else to say, we laid in silence until we fell asleep together, in our home, and I think that's when I started to fall in love.

Hot Chocolate ⚣Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon