Chapter Forty-Eight

Começar do início

Might I mention that he had a knife, only this time it was pressed to my ribs? Well, yes... I did... And no.

I didn't wanna die and especially not with Niall looking over here.

I closed my mouth, wiped my cheeks of running makeup and tears, and just then we continued walking.

After this, if I make it out alive, I'll tell someone... Otherwise, all I could do is listen.


It broke my heart, and I just wanted to crumble after hearing a crack amongst his voice, but I suppose it might have been because of distance that he was yelling.

I didn't look back after we were about to round the corner on the street. "Please, take me home."

"You're gonna go home, babe."

"Now!" I screamed through tears.

I'd just lost my grandma, I was raped, and stalked... Nowadays all I did was cry... And I was starting to think that I would run out of tears soon, and my eyes would fall out of their sockets.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'd never hurt you..."

Says the guy who was currently holding a knife up to me.

Says the guy who's fresh out of high school and a rapist. He hurt me physically and mentally... I'd wake up with horrible dreams because of him. I missed when Niall would wake up to comfort me.

James' smirk made me wince.

We'd stopped a few blocks more, a place I hadn't been, but nothing out of the ordinary... Just another street.

He put his knife away, pulling out a cigarette, and a lighter.

When a puff of smoke hit my face from his mouth, I stumbled back slightly and coughed dramatically, then as an attempt to pull me back towards me, James grabbed ahold of the necklace Niall had given me, and yanked it off.

I yelped in pain, causing his lips to curl inward to stifle a laugh. Tears gathered in my eyes as my hand immediately touched the back of my neck. A bright yet dull red liquid trickled down my neck, and onto my fingers.

"Back away if you want," he looked around everywhere but at me. "I'll find you, and get you where I want. You won't make it very far."

I was a chicken, and if I attempted to run, I'd no doubt end up tripping over air, and he'll rape me again, kill me, and leave me in an alley.

Maybe he'd even make my death look like an accident.

"I wanna go home." My crying had sobered about two blocks ago, but now my eyes held unshed tears. "Please."

I could say please a million and one times, and he wouldn't dare listen to a worthless peasant like me. Not in a million years.

He took a few more puffs, then threw the reefer on the ground with a sigh, and the roll of his eyes, ending it with a stomp of his foot. "Fine."

I did take notice in him throwing my necklace down on the pile of cig ashes and stomping on it several times. When I was going to pick it up the crushed metal flower and diamonds, his stern yet humored voice stopped me, "Pick that shit up, and you'll be joining it." The threat seemed legitimate enough.

That street that he was smoking on, was where his truck was parked on the corner.

In the car, he had a lock on my door, so that I couldn't escaped which scared me half way to death. But in the end, he had a choice whether to take me to some other place than requested, or to take me home.

Never Forget [book one]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora