Chapter 1: Acceptance

Start from the beginning

"Ain't nothin wrong," I said. I started walking towards the door.

"Hex," she said.

"Look Susan I'm leaving alright. I'm not training with you, I'm not coming back to the kingdom, and I'm no longer your girlfriend," I said.

"Hex," she said. I could hear the quiver in her voice. I felt bad, but I had to. I left and closed the door. As soon as I started walking I bumped into a nurse.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said. The nurse was a cute woman. She had so many curves in the right places it was a shame.

"No it was my fault," I said. When I looked into the nurse's face all I saw was Susan looking back at me. She smiled and blushed.

"Wow I've never had someone look at my like that. The way you're staring at me just makes me blush," she said. I rubbed me eyes and the nurse changed back to a ginger haired woman with blue eyes.

"I...I'm sorry for staring. I must go," I said. I could hear crying coming from Susan's room. An overwhelming sense of cold overthrew me. I felt bad, but I had to go.

I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings. Vilkas walked into Susan's room as I walked away. I closed my eyes and hung my head low. The sounds around me just drowned out. All of a sudden I decided to look up. I was in Susan's bedroom.

I stood in the center of her room. I looked around until I stopped at my reflection in her vanity mirror. In the mirror was my father standing in the back of the room. He was smiling at me with his usual creepy grin.

"Never thought you'd have the guts," he said.

"Well it was for the best," I said.

"Oh you have no clue. This is a new trait in you Hex. I like it. You know you're the one that infected her family the wonderful night that you choose to forget," he said.

"Wonderful? I never wanted to remember that again! So you're the reason I'm having the unusual cravings. You're the reason I'm having memories flash up that I didn't want to remember. Are you trying to drive me mad?" I asked.

"Maybe, but aren't we all crazy baby?" He asked. He walked up to me and grabbed hold of my shoulders in sort of a side ways hug.

"Don't call me baby," I say.

"But that's just it you are my baby. My little baby girl. You have my blood. I knew you were evil," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Attacking and infecting the princess of heaven with your blood. That is priceless," he said.

"Hey I'm not like you. I was trying to save her!" I yell.

"Of course 'save her'. Oh and to top it all off. Af...after you put her in the hospital you... Ha!" He was laughing hysterically. Repeatedly smacking my back as if I was enjoying this as well.

"I what?" I said through a clenched jaw.

"You break her heart. Oh Hex this is the best thing you've ever done. She loved you so much. You built up her confidence and tore it down so violently. Oh this is almost enough to bring a tear to my eye," he said wiping a tear from his eye.

"I...I had to," I say.

"That's just it. You didn't have to. You're so worried on saving others that you're forgetting that you're evil nature is actually sneaking into your life. Hex you didn't have to do any of this. Your heart is what was keeping you from being like me. But you're letting your mind takeover. Now you're just like me and we can take over this pitiful world, you and I. Father and daughter killing and enslaving thousands. We could even invade the heavens. His daughter isn't even fit to attack now. Thanks to you. We actually have a chance. Can't you just taste it?" He asked. I pushed myself away from his grasp.

"No. I don't taste anything," I say.

"That's alright soon you'll taste the same exact things I do. The power of my anger fills your body. You are my child Hex," he said.

"That's right I am your child," I said. He laughed and hugged me.

"That's my girl. Now let's go," he said smiling.

"Let me finish. I may be your child, but I lead my own life you hear," I say.

"Of course. You're own section to rule over? No problem," he said.

"No I mean I'm living my own life. Don't try to control my life anymore. I'm tired of you and I'm tired of Vilkas. I'm tired of Humans judging me and calling me a monster. If they want a monster I'll give them one. I can't avoid fate. I am becoming you, but I get to be me for as long as I can," I said. He stood there confused.

"Fine. I'm leaving, but remember you are my child," he said before disappearing into nothing.

I walked out of Susan's room and back into the infirmary. Vilkas had passed me on the way there giving me a glare. I gave him one demonic glare and he jumped. I smiled as I walked. I was outside the door of the room Susan was staying in.

"Visiting hours are over," said the doctor.

"I don't have to listen to you. I'm Hex and I'm going in there," I say. My face was full of determination and seriousness. I didn't want things to get ugly, but I will not stop until I can speak to Susan.

"Wait you're Hex? Susan gave you permission to stay if you wanted before. Actually she hasn't spoken since you left. She may be asleep now," he said. I nodded as he walked away. I creeped the door open slowly and quietly closed it behind me.

"I said I wanted to be alone Vilkas," she said to me. She was laying in the fetal position on her bed. She was cuddling something black and was wrapped in a bunch of blankets. I could tell she was crying because I could smell the tears.

Her room was quiet and dark. The only light was a lamp that she had dimmed. I walked over to her and touched her shoulder.

"Vilkas I said go away," she said softly.

"Well I'm not Vilkas," I said softly into her ear. She turned over and sat up as I stood beside her. She had been cuddling the jacket I wore a month ago.

"What are you doing here? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. I thought you were leaving," she said. I looked down at the ground.

"I... I love you," I said.

"Pardon?" She asked.

"Susan I have acted like a huge butt. When I infected you I felt terrible. I have been sitting out there everyday waiting, studying, and training for this whatever. When I hurt you I didn't know what to do. I let Vilkas talk me into guilt tripping myself into breaking up with you. I forgot our whole conversation before we even got to the kingdom. My mind is all messed up. The constant training and cramming with the books. To stop this from happening again I have to alarm you that I need to kill alright. I am the daughter of Herobrine. I'm not a saint alright. That Vilkas guy would do anything to save you and all I do is put you in danger. Look I'm sorry my words are all jumbled. I haven't eaten in so long and whenever I do it's only little things like snacks from the vending machine. I haven't been able to sleep either. I've been able to wash, but only shortly because I always rushed over here to you," I said.

I looked down at Susan before sitting on her bed. I was super tired and my stomach kept growling. My mind was so out of touch. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you Susan," I said. Susan smiled before kissing me on my cheek.

"Gosh you are stupid, but I love you. Now come here you big dummy," she said. She grabbed my tight and pulled me on top of her. Her soft skin was amazing and her heart beat was calm. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I guess she wouldn't mind if I just...

The Next Ender Dragon book II: Accepting ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now