"Where's the-"

"Second cabinet to the right of the fridge!" I hear.


I pop to bags of popcorn tapping my foot the whole time. I decide to make hot cocoa as well. Heating up to mugs of milk, I add the powder and mix it well. I somehow manage to carry a big bowl of popcorn in one hand and two mugs in the other.

"Popcorn, and I made hot chocolate."

"Thank you." After this evening's "activity" I can't help myself from staring at her for too long. The way her eyes seem to shine brighter than usual. The way I catch her staring at me longer than how long her usually does. How every time I catch her staring, there's always a small smile playing on her lips.


"I love you so, much."

"Do you now?" She teases.

"I do." I coo.

"You do?" She coos back.

"You think I don't love you." I love how we can be playful with one another. My hands fly to her waist and tickle her.

"Stop! Stop, Tobias! I hate you!" I gasp.

"You take that back."

"I. Hate. You." I tickle her once again.

"Fine, fine. I love you, I love you." She breathes hard.


My legs are sprawled across the couch and she sits next to me with her head snuggled on my chest and her eyes are squinted towards the TV screen. Her eyes look even more brighter due to the reflection on the screen.

I can't help myself.

All my life, I've been looking for something. Searching for something good to happen to me, looking for some sort of miracle because according to John Green, everyone gets a miracle sometime in their life.

Unlike Quentin Jacobsen, my miracle wasn't Margo Roth Spiegelman, my miracle was Tris.

Tris Prior.

I'm blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life. One whom understands me like one other. One whom makes me cry, laugh, want to kill myself over and over again. She's my miracle. My miracle sent from God. I love to her to death, and it will stay that way forever.

My hands reach into a cushion of the couch and take out a small black box.

"Tris." Her head snaps to me. "Don't freak out, just listen." He eyebrows furrow and she looks towards my hand that is fiddling with the box.

"Tobias." She gasp. "No, no, this cannot be happening. I'm too young. I'm only eighteen. I- I, Tobias!" I rambles and she's no longer sitting on me. She's up on her feet.

"It's a promise ring." I say calmly.

"Oh thank god. I wasn't planning on getting married until I was at least twenty three. Don't get me wrong, I love you and hope to go that one day you'll ask me. But you really scared me back there. I mean like I'm only in college. I'm not even twenty, and and I just I don't know! Gosh Tobias I can't believe you would scare me like that. I really-"

"Just, just shut up will you?" That was a lot meaner than I thought.

"It's a promise ring. And I get it." I laugh. "I'm too young as well. Just promise me you won't leave. Promise me that I'll have you forever."

"Well, then I guess you have to get enough of me because I'm not going anywhere. Not without you at least." I'm about to slip the ring on until I remember something.

"Am I supposed to go on one knee?"

"I don't know, are you? I'm not sure how this works."

"Then screw it. I'd like to see how it look like on your ringer." I finally slip the ring on.

"It's beautiful."

"Just like you." I kiss her.

Love is a strange thing. It changes you. It makes you see the light and dark of the world.

When I look down at her. The way she hugs my body so perfectly like a puzzle. I know that she's meant to be with me.

She is mine. I am hers and it's been that way all along.

"Wait...did I just hear say that you hope I'll one day ask you to marry me?"


A/N: I forgot to mention that I used a few quotes from the book on the last chapter. Some of the things, is true. I have a bow tie fetish. I got nuts when I see guys wearing them. Maybes it's the Doctor Who speaking. That's it. Wow, I'm done. It makes me really sad that I'm officially finished with my first fan fiction. Wow. I'd like to that all my followers and commenters, and voter. Thank you guys to much! I really appreciate it. Also, that heavy fluff I wrote there.. It was just supposed to me them kissing but then I was like what the heck. They're bound to do it sometime and it's the last chapter. I don't write smut, I can read it, I just want to keep it PG. Maybe I'll write a Tory one day with it. Do you guys want smut in Finding Home. Because they're twenty-ish and they're not prudes (I don't mean to offend some people if you take that offensively, I'm so sorry if you do). I don't know, let me know what you think. Well. That's it. If you want more, check out my other stories. I love you guys so much. Please please please leave a comment. The one reason why I love writing so much is because I cm get to read the things you say about this story, it really makes my day. Have a great day. It's 11 at night for me. See you later! Bye! By the way, I was hoping the promise ring would be a surprise and unexpected, probably not to some of you, but whatever. The picture of the ring will be in the next slide.

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