Chapter 9, Treachery.

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-----------------------------------------Karkat's pov while he's dreaming that same night.----------------------------

You find yourself wandering around what seemed like a graveyard. Death was all around you, whether in the sense of actual dead bodies around you, or just that looming feeling of death, you couldn't tell. You wanted to stop and sit, but something was telling you to keep moving, and not stop. That this was a bad place, and you should have never came here. You wonder what even made you want to dream this god forsaken place up. It's kinda fucked up in your opinion honestly. Like you're definitely not morbid enough to dream this up, right? You shifted your train of thought and started to replay what happened that night in your head. The feeling of her body wrapped around yours, the way she moved when you did... STOP YOU'RE GONNA GET YOUR BULGE EXCITED. Uhg. Too late. That already happened. Shit. You did not need a hard-on while walking through this place. Since you weren't exactly paying attention to where you were walking, you ran right into another person.

 At least you thought it was a person? He looked exactly like you. Maybe it was a mirror. You lifted up your right hand to test it, and when the "reflection" didn't copy you, you knew it was another person. Well, troll. But... What the fuck?! He looks exactly like you! He gave you a weird ass look. "Did you honestly think I was your reflection? How dumb are you? Probably a 100 on a scale of 1-10." He said to you. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Of course I thought you were a reflection. I have never once in my 10 sweeps of life seen another troll exactly like me. So fuck off, you dumb ass bulge licker." You respond, somewhat loudly. "Ooooh. I got a feisty one here. At least the fight won't be boring." "The fuck are you talking about, a fight? I have no intention of fighting shit, I just want to go back and cuddle in my lovers arms." You respond curtly. ".... You slept with her then?" He asked somewhat pissed. "Of course I did, I'm flushed for her, and she for me. Why wouldn't I?" The Other, as you're now going to call him, laughed. It sounded like a mix of cracking glass and nails on a chalkboard. How the fuck did he even manage that? You wanted to laugh like that to creep people out. Heh... That would be cool wouldn't it? Other snaps his finger in front of your face to get your attention. You hate that so much so you grab his hand and forcefully throw it back at him, successfully making him hit himself in the face with his own hand. 

This. Now this, you could tell. Pissed him off to no end. He wasn't expecting you to act like this, you could tell. His demeanor changed drastically.  No longer was he your exact reflection, but he became much darker. His body grew in size, towering over you. Black menacing mist surrounded his entire being. He sent a shock-wave of the mist out around you, flattening everything in a 2 mile radius. Now this, this frightened you. "What the fuck are you doing?" You were proud that your voice didn't even quiver. "Oh that? That was me preparing our battle field. You know, I wasn't actually going to attack you for partial control of your body, I was going to negotiate with you. But no. You had to go and piss me the fuck off. So now, Dear sweet Karkat Vantas, we fight for dominance. Choose your weapon wisely, because not just any normal one can fucking defeat me, shit lord." You just stare wide eyed. How the fuck did you act differently from what you normally do? If some fuckass did that to you when you weren't fucking dreaming, you'd still fucking do it. The fuck was wrong with this huge douche bag. You knew exactly what you were gonna fight with, because it's what you always pick. You pick the best pair of sickles you have, the most durable and damaging ones. Since you know, you were dreaming and shit, they just appeared out of thin air. Bam. Landed right in your hands. Perfect. You take up your fighting stance, waiting for him to start.

He just outright laughed at you. "You think you can harm me with those? What even are they? Fucking crab claws!? I've seen so much worse!" This made you smirk. He was greatly underestimating the materiel that was used to make these. It's the most durable and hardest you could find on both Earth and Alterania. You ran toward him, jumped and took a swing at him. You landed and immediately swung around to survey what you did. "Oh-ho. You actually hit me. I'm impressed. And it does seem like that can harm me. Well, to an extent. To bad I'm basically immortal." You were completely speechless. His head was only hanging onto his neck by the thinnest piece of flesh you had ever seen. You saw the black mist surround the wound, and slowly bind his head back onto his neck. "You see, somehow you'd need to get the mist away, then kill me, Vantas. This is why it's so hard to kill me. Oh, but let me show you something. I've been entertaining you and your cheating whore for a while now." He opened a window and showed you her. He was chasing her through a forest laughing as she stumbles, and as she screams. "Leave. Her. The. Fuck. Alone." You growl. THAT was not going to happen. You charge at him again, but this time he dodges you. You keep this up for a while, occasionally landing a blow on him, but only to have it sewed up. All the while he was laughing manically. "YOU SEE?! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME. I WILL REIGN OVER YOUR BODY AND MIND, AND OUR LOVER." He smiled wildly. You couldn't let that happen, who knows what that psychopath would do to her.

Your fight continued in the same manner for another 40 minutes. You were growing tired, and even though he hid it well, his abilities were also slowing. It seemed like you were actually a good match-up for him. His healing times were slowing. Originally it only took 3 seconds to heal him completely, now it took him almost 10 seconds to fully heal. That was actually a huge deal in your opinion. You were using this to your full advantage. Slicing and cutting him as much as you could. You were actually able to make him bleed a few times. But you could see it in his eyes. He was becoming bored. He yawned, and as you lunged to attack, he grabbed you and slammed you into the ground. He pulled up the window again. She was standing in front of this creature, that was so fucking ugly you couldn't describe it. Then it just randomly blew up, but nothing got on her. Other appeared before her, completely different from the one you were facing now, it made you puke in your mouth honestly. He grabbed her butt. HE. GRABBED. HER. BUTT. OH HELL FUCKING NO. Oh, but her reaction was priceless. She punched him in the face. Oh but you were still pissed. You flipped out of his grasp, breaking the window at the same time. You lunged at him, and using your double sickle technique, severed his head clean from his body. You stood triumphantly over the head, because he wasn't reattaching it, so you assumed you had won. Oh. But you were wrong. Oh so wrong. Another window had popped open, showing where he had actually went. He had fully manifested in front of her, and had pushed her onto his bed. You could only stare in horror at what he was doing to her. He ripped her nightgown open. You hadn't noticed when your version resembled himself. You only noticed when he stabbed you through the heart, losing control of your physical body. 

You wake up to find her struggling her in her sleep. So you start screaming. "WAKE UP JEGUS FUCKING CHRIST WAKE UP." Her first reaction to you, was to punch you in the fucking face. 

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