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"A goal without a plan is just a wish"

O n e

It was the day I was in second grade I realized I was different. Many people thought my family (especially my parents) were insane. It's understandable from a outsider point of view that a man and a woman have thirteen kids is absurd. Many have asked if it was due to a religion or culture, especially with the whole TV show about the Mormon family with twenty kids. My family wasn't like that.

My parents, after having two boys, wanted to have a girl together. My dad already had a girl in his previous marriage but, they wanted a girl together so my sister can talk about girl stuff with. So they tried. And tried more. After many kids later, here we are, twelve bros and me, a tiny girl with an army of smelly giants.

Curse my French genetics.

When I was little, my mom made the assumption I would be overwhelmed being the only girl since my sister moved out by then, surrounded by guys and feeling left out. As I child, I didn't feel or see it that way. I was young and thought it was normal to have a huge family, especially me being overpopulated by men, but my mom had me go on play dates with as many girls my age, making me realize how badly I hated being around girls who loved the color pink and who enjoyed playing barbies all day.

Well, except for Star. She was determined for me to become her friend so I didn't really have a choice or say in that matter.

I felt the car stop, looking to see the skate park ahead of me as I smiled, seeing Star standing out like a sore thumb, waving at me like a lunatic.

"Thanks Lance for dropping me off," I thanked my brother, grabbing my duffel bag and penny board from the back of the back seat of his beaten up car.

       Lance smiled at me, "No problemo little sis, just let me know if you need anything, except if you accidentally catch anything on fire, that is."

       I rolled my eyes, slamming the back seat door shut. "Oh come one, that was just one time!"

       "Yeah, just one time almost caused me to go bald! And bald Lance would not look pretty." He shook his finger at me, as if I was a little puppy he was trying to house train.

        "Lance in general doesn't look pretty," I mumbled as I closed the front car door, walking away from the car to join the crazy lunatics waiting for me at the park; Star and Sawyer.

       Star, the crazy Barbie look-a-like briefly introduced before, was one of my best friend. She and I have been best friends since third grade, when she made it her mission to become my best friend and to teach me the edicts of being a 'girl'. She gave up that last part within a week but, the best friend thing stuck.

       A year after meeting Star, we both decided to sit on top of the money bars as we usually do, until Star, being her clumsy self, fell off, only to be rescued by Sawyer. Ever since then, we all became the best of friends, Star is the sister I never had and Sawyer is like another brother to me. I call him my twelfth brother, willingly replacing my evil twin brother with him.

       "Hey Sawyer. What's up? Where is Jay?" I asked running up to Sawyer to give him a big hug, he tried to pick me up as I squealed, only to be lifted an inch off the ground. Jason and I have known each other for a long time. He is best friends with Zach, my eighth oldest brother. I've known Jason since I was two and he was five. He was the one who taught me how to skateboard.

And he was my first crush... let's not forget that.

It started in middle school, I liked him. He had just started high school and he changed a lot. I began to have a huge crush on him which was weird because he was not only my brother's best friend but, he was my friend too. So for me, it was weird to have these feeling. It hurt worse falling out of these feeling when you see your crush kissing another girl, realizing you never stood a chance.

"I am not sure, maybe he is out with your brother and I'm good, just that your stalker came looking for you to ask him back." Sawyer mentioned as he put me down, causing me to shiver at the thought of Damion. Damion was my first love. He was tall and lean yet muscular. He was very pale, bleach blonde hair, the softest green eyes, and he was so sweet. He was so shy, blushing every time we were together, but I grew courage with him. He gave me the time of my life.

Then everything changed.

After a year of dating, he gotten very muscular, he got tanner, dyed his hair black, got tattoos and piercings. He also changed personality wise. He wasn't the shy and kind guy I was dating two years ago, he became rude, dark, and scary. He was skipping classes and just wasn't the knight in shining armor anymore. My best friend, Amber, who I met a year after meeting Sawyer, wasn't hanging out around me that much anymore while Sawyer and Star just told me they knew he was trouble the day they met him. Then, one day, after school, I caught him and Amber kissing in the back of the school building.

That day, I was broken.

Today, I don't seek for a relationship, knowing every time I always end up getting hurt. Now, I just want to spend time with my friends.

What, you think this was going to be some sobby romantic story? To bad, you came to the wrong place, I refuse to get into a relationship, dead on refuse.

       "Hey, did you hear about the mystery BMX guy?" Sawyer asked, only causing me to shake my head. "Well, some guy has always been appear here this week when you are usually working. He only appears at this time and then is gone within an hour or two. No one knows who he is since he hides behind a red bandanna. We just call him RB, short for Red Bandana or Red Bandit. He doesn't talk to anyone or pays any attention to them but, his tricks are wicked."

I was about to reply when I felt a rush of wind and blur rushed passed me, only to see, who I am guessing was RB, the mysterious biker dude. After flying by me, started going on some of the ramps and half pipes, doing some stunts a lot alike to how Kyle Baldock did the Lawndart frontflip from the Red Bull Dreamline back in 2014. He also did some freaking awesome Flatland tricks. His bike is all black, looking like he painted it on himself with some spray paint. His face was covered, of course, by a red bandana and he has his hoodie up with a snapback.

        Wow... so this is what it feels like to be star struck.

       "Hey guys, I see you are finally seeing the live action of RB." Jason arrived as my heart skipped a beat. Okay, so maybe I wasn't fully over him, I guess feelings for someone never go away, especially if you suppress every feeling you have towards them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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