Embarrassing Stories (Jean x Sasha)

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"Okay so, what kind of stupid stuff did you do in... 8th grade?" Jean asked Sasha. They had been best friends since 2nd grade and had been a couple since Freshman year. Now, they were sophomores in college. They had agreed that they were going to get married after college and that they were going to go to the same college, which happened to be in Copenhagen, Denmark. They were sitting in the dorm they had shared, which they had bought instead of renting. (I don't actually know if you can do that??? I'm not in college bUT FOR THE SAKE OF THE STORY JUST GO W IT) They had painted the walls purple, not just any purple, Sasha's favorite shade, lavender. Jean had painted the ceiling like the night sky, since they both loved looking at stars. The color of the sky was a dark navy, not too blue or too black, and had a hint of purple, it was a nice mix. It had yellow white, and even pastel yellow for stars, and had some small, distant planets that had been painted in purples, reds, greens, and oranges. It covered the entire ceilings and even had some paint splatters on the lavender walls. They had a large sized bed that was just a queen sized mattress on their black carpet. It had a blue comforter with matching pillows, and it was very comfortable. (im really bad at details idek) They had a desk with a chair that usually had a laptop on it and had a few other miscellaneous items scattered around the room. They were sitting criss-cross on the floor, across from each other. "Well, I snuck out one night to go hang out with some juniors from high school and ended up getting so wasted it was bad. Besides the fact that I was only 13, it was kinda fun." Sasha responded with a small chuckle. "What about you?" She looked at him with a grin. Her maroon colored hair had been put up in a ponytail, aside from her bangs. Her eyes glimmered happily and her face had a pink hue to it. She was wearing pink, green, blue, and white colored tie-dye colored shorts with Jean's gray California Republic™ hoodie and orange socks. Jean smirked at her and laid his had on her lap. "It's not something /I/ did but it's embarrassing. Back when I was on the basketball team everyone thought I had a crush on Marco and teased me for literally EVER." He said with a laugh. Sasha ran her hands through his sandy blonde hair, which was surprisingly soft. His honey-colored eyes glimmered with happiness and immaturity. He had been wearing a black Fall Out Boy t-shirt and black skinny jeans. "You think that's bad? I got caught making out with Mikasa in the gym locker room a few months before me and you started dating." Sasha said with a small frown. "So it was true!" Jean shot up with a huge grin on his face. "I knew it! Eren and Connie owe me 10 bucks." He said excitedly, which earned a death glare from his partner. "You guys bet on it?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows. "Whatever." She said with a small smile before kissing Jean's cheek and getting up to get her keys. "What kinda pizza do you want?" She asked him. "No way you're going alone!" He said with a small laugh before getting up and grabbing her waist from behind. "Come on then!" She said before waddling out the door like a penguin, while making occasionally 'SQUAWK's.

AN- Omg okay so I kinda wanna write a JeanSasha based on this oneshot? Ideas? Rate! Comment! Requests ARE open!

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