Chapter 4: Anniversaire

Start from the beginning

“Alain, please do sing us a song. And Connor here can play the piano.” Mrs. Kent, one of the lovely residents here hollered at me cheekily while I’m standing awkwardly in my thoughts by the center of the room near the mini stage, a few meters apart from Connor who winked at me.       

The others started to shout encouraging words for they really do appreciate me being with them all these time. I really loved the priceless experience gained for volunteering here. I learnt so much from these wise wonderful ladies and gentlemen who mostly got dumped by their own families. They could be a huge hassle and burden for their kids but they really enjoyed each other company here, some of them are actual married couples and it’s just so romantic that they’re spending the rest of their lives together here, well it’s not the best place to be when you’re old but the important thing would be you’re still in love and together after all those years.

I glanced back at Connor who gave me his sexy smile and nodded. The crowd started to chant ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’ at my direction, clapping their hands in unison at a steady beat. I looked at the microphone and began to feel the heavy weight of shyness and embarrassment. It’s supposed to be my birthday and I’m the one who should be entertained with performances by the residences, and of course Amy’s garage band.

Besides, I’m well aware that I cant sing! I sounded like a freaking toad! I’ve a horrible voice!

Connor saw me squirming by myself as the crowd kept on giving me encouragement. It wasn’t their fault at all, they just didn’t know that I suck real bad at singing. I’m not musically talented like my boyfriend here, he could sing me a love song anytime and basically everyone away at the same time. I fidgeted in reply, so I took a deep breath. “Well, it is my birthday anyways. Maybe you guys would probably wanna hear Mrs. Kent and her acapella group perform more than me right?”

The crowd shook their heads and kept on clapping and chanting me to sing for them. For a moment I felt like they’re jeering at me and bullying me with ridicule. But then I realized, those days are long gone. They’re sweet natured and harmless elderly people and they genuinely wanted me to sing for them though I’m still terrified to prove them wrong with my horrible singing voice. I turned my eyes towards Ma and Dad at one corner, they’re happily chatting with a pair of elderly couple. Then towards Amy who joined the crowd, she looked happy and encouraging for once like she really wanted me to sing and not being bitchy about it later on. She knew I don’t have the best singing voice but she probably wanted me to man up and prove myself wrong.

A pair of supple hands brushed me on my waist from behind and I turned my head a lil to meet up with his glorious grey eyes looking straight at mine. He kissed my forehead gently and then hugged me tighter which made the crowd gave a long sweet ‘aawwwh’ and a few whistling being thrown in as well. They all were well aware of our relationship and from the very first day they accepted us with open arms especially the elderly ladies who envied us of our youth and teen love.

I looked up at the piano and Harold, anther volunteer is taking over the piano for Connor. He leaned his head down a lil so that he could whisper at my ears sensuously, tickling my insides in a good way. “Don’t worry babe, I’ll sing along for a duet with you if that would make you feel better. Relax babe they would love you anyways.”

He gave me a quick peck on the lips and went for a few seconds to Harold, probably whispering the song to the guy to play. He then took out a few pieces of folded score sheets and put them on top of the score sheet holder for Harold to see. I glanced at the crowd as all eyes are fixated on us both as I feel like there is a sense of courage pushing me forward.

“We’ll be singing Perfect Two by Auburn since it’s the perfect song for us and for your birthday, babe.” He brushed his lips past my ears again and kissed my cheek afterwards before I could even reply. I didn’t know the lyrics for the song, I’ve only heard it a few times and I could probably just remember the chorus.

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