What does this mean?

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I woke up and checked on Ryan. He's still sleeping,thats good no tears. I go back to my bed and grab my phone. "Maddy?what are you doing?" Asked rhydian. "Nothing,im just going downstairs to eat cereal and talk with Janna." I said walking downstairs. "Maddy is that you?" Said Janna. "Yeah. Do you want some cereal?" I asked. "No thank you. Come here for a sec" said Janna. I walked over to Janna and sat down. "What does this emati person look like? Just wondering." Said Janna. "You'll find out in an hour. He's coming I've so we can talk about everything" I said then rhydian walked downstairs holding Ryan. "I brought him down so if he wakes up he won't cry because we are both here" said rhydian. And hour later there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it.

Maddy came back over with a guy. He's cute. Oh gosh I think he noticed in staring." Hi I'm emati" he said. "Janna" I said shaking his hand. He smiled at me then turned to Maddy "ok Maddy,so what I meant when I said there going to be a year apart is that thy are going to look a year apart. But since Ryan was already born Andrew should e born around tomorrow. But since they are wolfbloods,they will look like they are around 4 and 3. They will be able to talk and walk and do everything. And Ryan will stop crying when you guys are gone after Andrew is born" said emati. "Thank you. But wait. How come Ryan can't do any of those things"asked maddy. "He will be able to after Andrew is born. I got to go. If you need anything else call me. Bye maddy bye rhydian. Nice meating you Janna. Bye" he said walking out. "He was cute" I said looking at maddy. "You like him?" Asked maddy. "Yeah can you help me out with him?" I asked. "Sure I'll see what I can do." Said maddy. Me maddy and rhydian watched movies all day waiting for tomorrow. We all fell asleep. I hope maddy will be okay with everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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