Was it just a kiss goodbye

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So we've been walking for quite a while now. My legs hurt. I want to go back home. "Can we go back home. Please." I said to mum and dad "maddy. We can't. It's not safe there anymore" they said. I just put my head down and kept walking. Eventually we smelt Janna's pack. Janna came out of nowhere. "Maddy?" Asked Janna. "Janna. Can you please let us stay here." I said. "Of course. Your my friend. But why. What happened?" She asked. "Remember dr.white wood?" I asked her. She nodded. "She got dad's DNA. And she discovered us. But only us. Not rhydian. We had to leave" I said. "Sorry that happened. You can stay." She said. She told us to follow her. I didn't listen. I wandered off. I found a couple miles away and sat on it. So i know I'm not a singer but all my emotions are bundled up inside and I have to let them out. I'm going to sing. It's not like anyone will know.
"Was it just a kiss goodbye? I hope it was not or I will die I love him so much but does he love me,i don't want to find out and see. A part of me is saying just let go,but a bigger parts saying hold on. I don't know what to do. What if what he said was just a lie. What is he only kissed me because I was leaving. Should I let go. I don't even know. All I know is when I think about him I can barley breath. So I'm gonna die. He's always on my mind. What should I do?"
I finished. I started walking back with tears in my eyes.

I know she's gone but how will I love now. I'm walking in the woods with tears in my eyes. I'm not a big singer but I have to do this. Well then agin I'm not a big anything. At least not without maddy I'm not. She brought out the best in me. I'm going to sing.
"You made my happy. You made me sad. Oh you made every emotion in me. How can I live without you. I never knew that when I met you I was gonna fall in love with you. But I did. And now your gone. Your never coming back. I wish I told you sooner. But now I wonder. Was it just a kiss good bye. Did you only say it because you knew I'd never see you agin. I'm going to die. Did you only at it because you were leaving. I don't even know anymore" I finished. Then my phone rang. "Hello?" I said all choked up because I'm still crying. "Rhydian. It's tom. I know that your pretty beaten up about this but can you meet me at Bernie's?" Asked tom. "I. Uhh I. Yeah sure" I said then hung up. I headed towards Bernie's. I'm not going to tell them I love maddy. I'm going to say she was like a best friend sister like person. I walked into Bernie's. I saw tom and Shannon and sat down. "Hi" I said. Shannon was still crying. "How can you be talking. She's gone. Rhydian she was your girlfriend." Said Shannon. "I am sad. And she's not my girlfriend." I said. "Then why'd you ask her out?" Asked tom. "Because you guys told me to." I said. "Then why did you guys kiss and say I love you?" Asks Shan. "I meant it as a friend. Am we didn't kiss. We only hugged" I said. "Oh ok" said tom. "Yeah. You must've had tears in your eyes." I said. My phone rang I went out side and picked it up. I walked back in and said. "I got to go guys. Mrs. Von wants me back for dinner. And remember. Maddy was only my best friend" I said walking out. I only said that so they wouldn't question me on if we were dating or what the kiss meant. Because I don't even know the answers. I went home and ate dinner. Then started drawing maddy. I just hope the kiss meant more

I came back and Janna came over to me. "Hey so- maddy what happened your crying" she said. "Nothing. I just want to go home." I said then sat down. "Listen pet" said mum. "We'll figure things out. Once we know it's safe enough we'll go back"mum said. "Well I'm tired. I'm going to get some sleep." I said. Then went to bed. I hope that all this was a dream. Well except the part when we kissed. I want that to stay real. I just wish that after that happened I could've stayed after all. I also hope it wasn't just a goodbye kiss.

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