Chapter Five: A Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

"Retreat!" the cyborg squirrel commander yelled. I just stood there silently as they began running away.

I suddenly realized that we needed to question them to find out who had transformed them into what they were. I turned to the three hedgehogs who had been standing in the same place since the little 'incident' happened. "We need to capture one of them for questioning. We should grab one that is unconscious before the rest of them wake up." I quickly informed them.

They were still surprised at what had just happened. Sonic was the first one to move. He ran over to an unconscious cyborg squirrel (the one that I had knocked out), and brought him over to us. He was just starting to wake up.

His eyes gradually opened, and he slowly sat up. He looked all around him in confusion. When he saw me, he growled. "Why you little hedgepig! How dare you- gaaarrrrgglllhurrr-" he choked out as I roughly grabbed his neck.

I leaned in close to his ear, and whispered, "Don't you EVER call me a hedgepig." The cyborg squirrel desperately tried to pull my hand away from his throat. I almost panicked when I saw that my hand was starting to glow red. I quickly let go before I accidentally killed him.

His eyes grew wide as he saw the red glow fade from my hand. "Y-you... You are the ch-chosen one!" he exclaimed in disbelief. Was he crazy? That was a possibility.

I ignored his last statement, and went on with the questioning. "What is your name?" I calmly began. I could tell that he was very nervous.

"S-so sorry, miss. M-my name is Vark." he stuttered. Vark? That's an odd name. I glanced at the guys. They were just standing on the side lines, watching Vark and I with interest.

I turned my gaze back to the stuttering squirrel. "Who made you like this?" I asked gesturing to the metal parts of him. He seemed much calmer, now.

Vark looked down at himself, and quickly answered once he realized what I meant. "Scourge the hedgehog, and Dr. Eggman." he explained. I raised an eyebrow at his answer.

I gasped when Sonic all of a sudden appeared beside me. "Scourge? He's back?" Sonic questioned. Vark nodded in reply.

"How did they turn you into a cyborg?" I curiously asked. Before Vark could answer, I heard an all too familiar annoying voice behind us.

"Sonic! Are you okay? Sorry it took so long for me to run over here. Katrina made me rest for a minute." Amy apologized as she ran over to Sonic and gave him a tight hug.

I cleared my throat loudly, earning a glare from Amy. "We are in the middle of an interrogation." I told her as I gestured to the quiet cyborg in front of me. Amy glanced at the scene with little interest.

"And your point is?" she asked in a bored tone, still hanging onto Sonic. She had no humility. I mentally face palmed at her reply.

"My point is that you interrupted us." I said. She was really getting on my nerves.

She rolled her eyes at me. "You act as if I should care." Amy retorted.

Before I could do anything that I would regret, Katrina ran up to us. "Hey, let's not get into a fight, okay?" she said to Amy and I.

I reluctantly agreed, and then continued with the interrogation. "How did they turn you into a cyborg?" I repeated the previous question.

"Scourge planned it, and Eggman's machines did the work. They are working together." Vark explained. This brought up many more questions in my mind.

"Why are they working together?" I asked. The cyborg gestured to Sonic, who was still being tightly held by Amy.

"They both want the same thing." he said. They both wanted Sonic. I get it, now. However, there was still one question remaining.

Three Chasing One (a Sonic the hedgehog fanfiction) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now