Chapter Five: A Change of Plans

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We came closer to the burning houses, and saw that it wasn't the bandits. The ones responsible were cyborg squirrels!

Natasha's P.O.V.:

Cyborg squirrels?! How did this happen? Things just got a lot crazier.

Half squirrel, half machine, they tore through the village like a furry mechanic knife. They had lost their minds to the wires and bolts that now filled their heads. Their brains had been turned into metal mush. They were programmed to follow orders, and show no mercy. It was obvious that they were looking for something.

I didn't waste any time. I jumped to action. Before anybody could stop me, I ran at the cyborgs. Punching, kicking, biting, scratching... I attacked them with all I had. The surprise of the attack was a disadvantage for the squirrels. They immediately stopped what they were doing to focus on me. Their surprised state left them quickly as they came at me with just as much force.

"Surrender now, or you will suffer the consequences," one of them threatened in a robotic monotone voice. I growled at him in response.

"I will never surrender." I angrily replied. Though I was fighting well, there were too many of them to take on alone.

Spinning around, I kicked the one who had spoke in the face, and watched as he fell unconscious to the ground. Before I could blink, a cyborg had grabbed my arm, and threw me to the ground. When I tried to get back up again, the squirrel laid its large metal foot on my torso. He slowly pushed his foot down until it was extremely hard for me to breath. I struggled to free myself.

All of a sudden, the cyborg was lifted off of me, and thrown hundreds of feet away by an unseen force. I jumped to my feet, and glanced behind me to see that Silver was standing there. He had used his telekinetic powers to throw the cyborg away from me.

"Thanks, Silver." I said as I gulped down waves of air. The white hedgehog wore an angry facial expression.

"You can't just run off and start a fight without letting us know what you were going to do. You could have been killed." Silver sternly said. Though he looked more worried than angry.

I grabbed a heavy plank of wood and whacked two cyborgs in the face, knocking them out cold. I threw the plank down, and marched up to Silver. "Do I look like a poor and helpless idiot? I can protect myself." I replied in annoyance.

Sonic, and Shadow had started to attack the cyborgs behind me. "She has a point." Sonic commented as he used his speed to trip three of the mechanical squirrels, and knock them unconscious.

Silver glared at him. "Nobody was talking to you, Sonic." he shot back angrily, not noticing that a cyborg was sneaking up behind him. I saw the cyborg just in time, and rushed over to it, yanking its arm off easily with the satisfying sound of metal scraping metal.

The cyborg held the place where his arm used to be, and looked down at me in shock. The others had the same look written on their faces. It was like everything stopped in that moment. All the cyborgs stopped moving, and they stared at me.

When I glanced down, I jumped slightly. My whole body was glowing red! There was a fountain beside me, and I looked at my reflection in the water. My eyes had changed from their normal violet, to a stunning bright red color. What was happening to me?!

I threw down the metal arm that was in my hands, and backed away slowly. Whatever this power was, it gave me great strength. The red glow slowly started to fade away from my body. My eyes soon returned to their original violet color. The only thing that was left was a mild headache.

"H-how?" I asked to no one in particular. I stared at the palms of my hands as if the answer laid there. I quickly looked up to the cyborgs. They had begun walking away from me.

Three Chasing One (a Sonic the hedgehog fanfiction) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now