Chapter 4

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Whenever you're ready come to me. I'll be waiting.

I mulled over those words so much last night. I didn't spar with him today. Barely look at him during lunch. And it was harder than I thought. I wasn't aware of how often my eyes were on him until I was trying not to watch him. We don't usually talk so conversation was out.

He watched though. Watched me. Stood close to me. Closer than usual. Nobody noticed. Except Caleb. Trapped. Into a conversation I never thought I'd ever have with a boy so blunt that I found myself blushing.

"Look. All I'm saying is ya'll should just fuck. Get it out of ya systems. Whrath's always watched you but man oh man today you were like a gazelle in front of a lion. He watched you like a prize cow." Caleb snickered.

"he doesn't! -" I protested but was cut off.

"Like you're any better. Ha! You watch him like he's Jesus himself. Like you're trying your best not to jump his bones. You shoulda seen your self. Hehe! Looking away every time you catch your self staring." he laughed that hideous laugh at my expense. Rolling all over the bed. Mouth wide. Eyes tearing up.

"You laugh like a hyena." that shut him up long enough for me to drag him up and out of my room. If only you knew. I thought as I slid down the door.

Friday I was nervous. Gods! So nervous. My heart raced all day. I don't think that was healthy. I left after dinner quickly. Bathed for over an hour. Brushed my hair till it shone. Trimmed my nails. Brushed my teeth three times. Creamed my skin from head to toe. Changed my clothes six times settling for pajama pants and a vest.

I paced in front his door at nine fifty. Four steps up, four steps down. Then I knocked. And there he stood. My Demon Prince. Dressed the same way I was except he was wearing another white Jersey.

"Good evening Ascari." he said softly. Seductively.

"Good evening Whrath." I murmured as I walked past him into his bedroom.

We stood. Watching each other. Neither of us knowing what to do. What to say. One would think we were two virgins. Rather than a former sex slave and... What ever the hell Whrath was. Not a virgin for sure... Well I am at least eighty percent sure.

"Sit with me." he said and I do. Side by side we sat. Thigh brushing thigh. I want so badly to look at him. I do. I'm allowed to. At least tonight I am. I'm not sure what I was supposed to do but looking was good I guess.

He is beautiful. His face. His lips. His eyes. His body. Everything about him is beautiful. He gazes at me with that look. That look that promises pleasure. He slowly places his fingers at my wrist, sliding them up my arm, across my chest and down my other arm.

"Along here." he says moving his hand and placed it on my knee.

"And below here. That's where I'm going to touch you tonight." he added looking at my body. Every part his eyes rove over.

I'm confused. This was supposed to be sexual. To teach me how sex should be between two consensual beings.

"That's it?" I asked more disappointed than I should be.

"Yes... It's what I want." he looked at me when he says it. Safe. He's playing it safe with me.

"Okay." I whispered. Because some how I knew that he never had limits or speed boundaries. Makes me wonder who he's been with like this. Yet he's never been with some one like this.

"Do you want me to do the same thing?" I asked, needing directions.

"No." he said, "I want you to touch me wherever you want. However you want." he knelt in front of me now.

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