Story 50--Something to Believe In (2)

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The funeral for your father took place a few days after his death. And after that...well, you fell into a somewhat great depression. You ignored everyone who tried to console you, and soon, you became so isolated that you hardly saw any more point of living out your life to the fullest, the way your father wished you would.

"Take some risks. Think outside the box. You're gonna go far."

Yeah, right. How can you be further motivated to go far without him beside you? 

Tadashi tried to get a hold of you, but you were too depressed to even turn your phone on. By the time you did, just a day before the production was supposed to give its debut in San Fransokyo, your eyes immediately widened in fear. Were you too late?

"Hey (Y/N), I'm really sorry about your dad, I really am. I'll be here if you need me. I just want you to be happy again, and I hope I can help with that. Just text me back soon, okay?"

"Hey (Y/N), I hope you got my message, I hope you're okay."

"(Y/N), please, please don't just keep me hanging. I miss you, okay?"

"(Y/N), I really don't know if I should be texting you right now, but there's something I really have to tell you. It's pretty urgent."

"(Y/N), where are you?"



Instantly, you felt your heart race as you sat back on the bed and dialed Tadashi's number. A moment later, after a few rings, he picks up.


"Tadashi, it's (Y/N). I'm really sorry for the absence," you quickly said, but Tadashi chuckled.

"Hey (Y/N), it's okay. I'm sorry if I was being super pushy...I just really missed hanging out with you, that's all."

"Aww, that's okay. I'm sure you were busy, what with rehearsals and all."

"Actually, that's what's wrong. I mean, rehearsals are going awesome--really hardcore, amazing even, and I'm having a blast--but tomorrow is the debut, and something happened with the girl who got Katherine's role, as well as the understudy."

To this, you raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"During rehearsals today for the song 'King of New York', the principal actress for Katherine fell during the musical interlude while doing her part of the dance, and now she got a sprained ankle. It's not serious, but she'll need time to recover. Meanwhile, the understudy, she's been sick for the last few days as well, so she hasn't had any practice either. Our director is getting really anxious right now, and until we get another person to play Katherine's role, we'll have to postpone the first show. But I don't want to disappoint our friends--especially since they GOT tickets for the first night!"

Your jaw dropped. "So..."

"Point is, I do have a replacement in mind," Tadashi told you, a hint of pride laced in his voice. 

"And who would that be?"

"Isn't it obvious?" You could hear Tadashi smirk as he voiced out his opinion. "I am talking about YOU, (Y/N)."

Your breath hitched. Yes, you knew the musical inside out, top to bottom, but were you willing to give performing another try? Your father's last words rang in your mind again. "Take some risks. Think outside the box. You're gonna go far."

Swallowing all your doubts and fears again, you nodded--for the sake of your father, and for the sake of saving the show that Tadashi and the entire cast involved had worked so hard on. "Sure. I'll go. I'll do it."

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