"Festivities? Like what?" he looked at her curiously, wanting to get a picture of New Spain if she was in charge.

She shifted in his lap a bit. "Well you know, vibrant holidays, your own style, music, dances, huge parties. Festivities! Colorful food, definitely" Spain laughed, no matter what, Esmeralda always managed to bring food into the conversation. He had to admit,  Esmeralda would have quite the interesting country if she wasn't just a version of his culture. "When's Lovino going to get back?" Romano was supposed to be getting back from Italy this weekend and she couldn't wait. She missed her partner in crime dearly and wanted to see him.

Spain shrugged, honestly not knowing. "Oh well, you know Lovino, he probably forgot what day it was or pissed the carriage driver off so they left without him" he sighed, still feeling anxious about Esmeralda ignoring him once her best friend came back. The two stayed like this for a while, Esmeralda hummed lightly while Spain began taking her braid out and starting one of his own on her long wavy hair when suddenly a loud thud was heard followed by even louder cursing.

"Lovino's home!" the two screamed and ran to the door. Spain got to the Italian first and trapped him in a bone constricting hug.

"Lovino, look how much you've grown! I've missed you so much!" Spain smothered the other while Lovino tried to pry him off.

"Get the hell off me you freak! Stop! You're going to mess up my hair dammit!" he succeeded in pulling him off and straightened his shirt.

Esmeralda came into view and stopped in her tracks. Lovino was handsome...Very handsome. He got a lot taller and had done a lot of aging himself. He now resembled a nineteen year old with a great sense of style and Esmeralda's eyes went wide as she looked at him while he shooed Spain away. Lovino looked up and caught Esmeralda looking. He smirked and pushed Spain out of the way. He walked over to her, without saying a word and stopped right in front of her. He looked down at her; he was still smirking and shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to look cool.

"You've gotten older" he said plainly, teasing. He observed her carefully, she was much older looking and he thought she was even prettier than the last time he saw her.

"Not as old as you" Esmeralda replied with a matching smirk. She straightened up, she was still short, but she had managed to grow a little; but she was still tiny compared to Lovino. He was tall and lanky and one could easily see the young manliness in his face.

"Shut up" he rolled his eyes and pulled her into a hug, missing her deeply. She returned the tight hug and refused to let go, not that he minded.

"I missed you" she said into his slightly toned chest.

"I know" he chuckled and she punched his arm.

"You ass" she stuck her tongue out but he only pulled her back into the hug.

"Chill out. I missed you too" he smiled down at her and she nearly swooned. They held a gaze for a moment, wondering how the other got so goddamned attractive. Spain broke the silence, feeling left out.

"Lunch time guys!" he broke the hug and placed an arm on each of them.

"I already ate!" Lovino and Esmeralda said in sync as Lovino took Esmeralda's hand and ran up the steps, into his room. He closed the door and faced her.

"You look great. Old, but great" he teased as he tried to cover up how much in awe he really was.

She rolled her eyes, "You know by calling me old, your only calling yourself even older"

"Ouch, somebody became a little miss know it all while I was gone" he stuck his tongue out and sat down on his bed, missing the soft and worn in feel of it. In the time that Lovino was out shoving his face in food, Esmeralda had become very wise and made up her own theories and reading up on old legends and myths. She always leaned towards the supernatural stuff and enjoyed learning about the creatures that roamed around in the dark.

She sat down on the bed with him and told him that he also looked great. He blushed obviously but he pretended it didnt effect him.

"So, how did go being alone with that American asshat? He didnt try anything did he? He didnt hurt you, right? Because I will take a goddamed boat all the way over to that place and kick his ass"  he sat up quickly, ready to pounce.

She laughed and pushed him back down, laying down herself afterwards. "Relax, nothing bad happened. Actually, it was great" she smiled secretly to herself and Lovino raised an eyebrow before catching on. His hazel eyes shot wide and he sat right back up.

"No! You guys did not!" his tone was filled with surprise as he hoped she was lying. He clutched her shoulders and protested against her decisions. "No! Why him! Oh God no, you should've waited. Oh my God, I should've never left. If I didn't leave, you wouldn't have screwed that little bastard" he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, feeling slightly jealous. She laughed, amused and told him it was all true and beautiful. He scoffed and said it was all "Fucking bull shit, Esmeralda" but shrugged it off. "Oh well, what's done is done. I mean, you guys weren't actually dating so you just sinned missy" he laughed at the last part, having religion being such a strong part of their teachings with Spain. He sighed, trying to get used to the fact that she and Alfred rendezvous. He knew she was telling the truth, but he was just surprised.

"So are you guys like, eternally bound by fate or some crappy shit" he allowed himself to sink back into his bed and she followed suit.

"Don't be stupid Lovino. No, we're not" she assured him.

"Well I'm just glad you're not being stupid. 'Oh! We had sex so now I have to never touch another man in my life because I am bound to him and this means we are going to be together for ever!' Thats just stupid" Lovino laughed at how stupid some girls could be, honestly, he was glad she wasn't tied down to Alfred. He still liked her, hopelessly and unconditionally, but he's spent so long waiting for her to return the feelings that he just gave up.

Esmeralda began staring at Lovino again, swooning with every breath he took. He noticed and turned to face her. "Like what you see?" he smirked as he stretched his tall body, having his shirt come up, showing a sneak peek of a belly with new muscles that were never there before.

Esmeralda clenched her jaw and looked away. "Bastard" she mumbled under her breath.

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