My eyes flickered up to the approaching gods. The rest of the remaining sevens heads swiveled to deities. My father said nothing but held me sadly hugging me tightly. I tried to hug him back, but I was simply too exhausted. Apollo managed to pry off the weeping sea god and wave his hand over me muttering an incarnation healing my injuries and the rest of the sevens.

Eventually we all boarded the Argo 2 again for our journey back to Camp Half-Blood. Still too weak to stand Jason and Frank supported me until we reached the ship. Then Frank shifted into a giant eagle grabbing my biceps and depositing me onto the deck where I leaned against the mast for support.

Jason flew Piper up onto the deck while Hazel and Leo climbed the ladder. Before we left our parents bid us farewell until we reached Long Island where we would get a night of sleep and then meet them on Olympus for the rewards ceremony and party. The gods said we would have a safe trip back with no attacks and the ship would steer itself courtesy of Hephaestus.

Everyone went to bed trying to convince me to as well. How could I when Annabeth just died before my eyes. Right in front of me, with me helpless at her side. My worst nightmare happened to the one who mattered most. These thoughts sailed through my head as I leaned against the railing of the Argo.

The night had fallen as the stars and constellations lit up the sky. I saw Orion, Heracles, the bear that was a worthy fight for the hunt, the scorpion, and most important to me; Zoë Nightshade, the huntress, daughter of Atlas, a great friend. Another friend I failed to save who died before my eyes while I stood helpless.

I stood there for the rest of the night, thinking, not speaking, and watching the ocean.

***Line Break***

Jason POV

No dreams. Thank Zeus. I headed to the mess hall, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank were already there. All were refreshed and changed. We started eating our food, but the same thing was on all of our minds. Percy. After Annabeth had fallen he hadn't said a word.

"I'm worried about him." Hazel said breaking the silence. Our heads nodded in agreement.

"I think he needs time to get over her death." Piper put in. Her was understood as Annabeth.

"Where is the guy?" Leo asked as if suddenly noticing he wasn't eating with us. We all shrugged.

"Did you see him go to his room last night?" Frank asked. Then it dawned on me.

"Guys, he's going into depression. He didn't eat or sleep last night, but he can't do that forever." A lightbulb shown on the others faces.

We all got up as if practiced and headed out onto the deck where we saw him last night. Sure enough he was there, same clothes as yesterday. Monster dust still clinging to him. He heard our footsteps approaching him and he turned. I stifled a gasp and I'm pretty sure the others did too.

He looked half dead. Huge bags under his eyes, his hair messed up more than usual, and extremely skinny. Luckily he had an apple in his hand so he wasn't starving himself. I started when I realized we all have been staring for a while.

"Percy, hey dude." I said kind of nervous, but mostly concerned. "Is that your breakfast?" He nodded mutely.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Piper cut in before I bombed it. He shook his head. The girls frowned.

"Did you sleep at all?" Hazel asked timidly. He shook his head again. The guys glanced at each other.

"Aqua man! Speak to me buddy," Leo burst out loudly. Percy winced, the girls grimaced. Frank and I just rolled our eyes. "Why didn't you sleep last night?"

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