Chapter 28

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A/N: I'm sooo sorry this update is later than usual.  I've been busier than normal today but better late than never, right?  Again, I'm so sorry.

To say the dwarves were surprised when Thorin ordered them to stop looking for the Arkenstone and come back into the room where they deposited their belongings was an understatement. While Thorin was stuck trying to convince the dwarves that he wasn't an impostor, I went off to find Bilbo. I came across him sitting on the wall outside, away from everyone else. I was about to announce myself when he reached into his coat and pulled out what I knew was the Arkenstone.

"You have to give that to Thorin." Bilbo practically jumped out of his skin when I said this.

"Mereniver! You scared me!" He tried to hide it in his coat but I wouldn't let him.

"Thorin and I both think I'm the cure for his sickness but we need to give him that in order to test that theory."

"But what if you're wrong?"

"There's only one way to find out. If we are wrong, I will threaten to leave him. That should snap him out of it no matter what. Now come, Thorin has called a meeting." I gently pulled the Arkenstone from his grasp and walked off, motioning for him to follow me. I held the Arkenstone in plain sight, carrying it as if it were nothing more than a piece of cloth. Bilbo sat in a trance for a moment before sprinting to catch up.

"You're not going to tell him I had it, are you?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because he will get mad that I didn't bring it directly to him."

"Very well. I will tell him I found it while looking for you."

"Thank you."

The two of us were the last to arrive and when we did, the room became deathly silent.

"Mereniver? Where did you get that?" Thorin's tone had an unfamiliar edge to it.

"Well, I was looking for Bilbo when I slipped in the gold and fell. As I moved to get up, the gold shifted even more, revealing a glow unlike any other. Curious, I moved the treasure so I could see what was causing it and here it is."

"Give it to me." Thorin walked forward, his hand outstretched.


"Now Mereniver."

"Don't you remember what I said before? That money and riches can't buy happiness?"

"Riches and wealth are all I need to be happy."

"What about your promise to the survivors from Lake Town?"

"Have you not told her Thorin?" Dwalin asked, appalled.

"Told me what?"

"Bard came to the gates this morning, asking for what was owed but Thorin just turned him away."


"He had an army of elves with him!"

"That shouldn't matter, Thorin!" I shouted, "You promised them! Do your promises mean nothing? What of the promise you made to me?" Thorin's mouth opened and closed, his eyes became warmer and full of emotion but it was too late. I fled the room with the Arkenstone still in my hand and Fili and Kili in pursuit. I ran back to Thorin's old room where I collapsed on the bed once more. I felt someone lift me up and pull me against them. It was Kili. He was leaning against the headboard with his arm around my shoulders. I felt tears threatening to spill but I would not let them fall, I blinked them away before even one could leave my eyes. Fili dashed in close behind and sat on the other side of me.

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