Chapter 27

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I awoke very unsettled. I didn't remember much about my dream but I knew it hadn't been a good one. It took me a minute to remember where I was but once I did, I snuggled even further under the sheets, not wanting to go out and face anyone. Thorin hated me. He thought I was worthless. I hadn't even told him yet and now I wasn't sure that I even wanted to. I heard some voices out in the hall.

"I'm telling you, Fili, our rooms are down here!"

"No, Thorin said left, not right!"

"Yeah, from the other direction!"

"No! You must've inherited Thorin's poor sense of direction." I couldn't help it. I snickered.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, it came from this one!" The two of them barged in, their swords raised.


"Sorry, auntie! We didn't know you were here!" Kili squeaked.

"It's ok. I'm just glad to see you alive. Were the others hurt by Smaug's attack?"

"No, we came out uninjured."

"Well that's good."

"Why are you up here all alone? Thorin is worried about you."

"Ha! I doubt that."

"Why? He loves you!"

"He loves his gold more now."

"You don't know that!"

"I do! Smaug captured me and locked me up in a cell. I sat there for Mahal knows how long and who came looking for me first? Dwalin. And what does he tell me Thorin's reaction was? He shrugs it off saying I mean nothing to him! Saying I'm worthless, foolish, and reckless!" Neither of them could think of a reply and I burst into tears. It wasn't the resurrection type. I felt the bed dip on either side of me and two pairs of arms embrace me.

"Don't worry, Mereniver, he was probably just saying that. He probably didn't want Smaug to know he had the upper hand is all." I still continued to sob uncontrollably. Neither of them made an attempt to comfort me with words, they just stayed by my side until I calmed down.

"Sorry I'm being so emotional."

"It's fine. Everyone crashes every now and then."

"You should go talk to him. Or we can go get him if you want...."

"Could you do that for me?"

"Of course." Kili left the room.

"Mereniver, I know I shouldn't pry, but I can tell that it's not just Thorin's reaction that's bothering you."

"You're very perceptive. You're right, but I should tell Thorin first. It's bad enough that he wasn't the first one I told."

"Are Kili and I going to have a cousin?" I nodded and Fili pulled me against him tighter, "I understand why you haven't told him."

"Told me what?" I looked up to see Thorin in the doorway, his hands on his hips.

"Can we talk? Alone?" Fili didn't need to be told twice. He slid off the bed and left the room, pulling Kili with him by the collar as he went. As soon as the door shut, Thorin came right up to me and grabbed my collar.

"What does he know that I don't?" When I didn't answer, he lifter me up a bit. "You love him, don't you! You've been cheating on me with my nephew!"

"N-no!" I choked out, it was getting hard to breathe and I realized that this was not Thorin Oakenshield standing in front of me. It was a darker version of him, one that didn't care about me, "Th-thorin! I c-can't breath!"

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