Maybe I Wont Be Returned.

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Madison's POV:

I stayed in my room. I didn't dare move because I heard people downstairs, what if I get adopted today?.... Stop madison don't think like that nobody would want you. Nobody cares, obviously your mum and dad didn't.

Hi I'm Madison, I live in an orphanage.....currently. I dream of the day I get adopted but I doubt that's going to happen any time soon. What? Nobody wants a girl like me. I have short brownish, reddish hair, and I have blue eyes with a hint of green.

I have lived in an orphanage for a while now I've come back twice... Therefor nobody wants me because they returned me. Most of the time I just stay in my room and draw what I think about or see. Anything really. Nobody in the orphanage talks to me I'm like the oddball. Eh I'm use to it.

I'm snapped into reality when I hear my name being screamed by Mrs. Kelly the owner of the orphanage.

"MADISON GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!!" She screams for the base of the stairs.

I gently get down off my bed and got to the top of the stairs.

"You screamed?" I asked

"Yes get down hear there are some people who would like to meet you." She says smiling. She never smiles, she only does when people are here to look if they want me. She wants to get rid of me.

I walked downstairs and turned the corner. There stood 5 boys, they looked 19 or at least 20 so not to old.

Great I might get adopted by some boys. This is just screaming 'rape me now!'

"Hello" one says he had brown, curly hair. And one deep accent.

I just waved to him. I'm to scared to say anything.

"So madison why don't you sit down with these nice boys in the living room. So they can ask you some questions. Ok?" She asks me

Like I don't know how this happens. I've been adopted two times, I know. So I went with the boys in the living room, and sat down in a single chair and they sat on the couch, but it didn't fit all of them so the other two sat on the ledge of the couch. I just stared at all of them. One had a striped shirt on and brown hair, next to him was the curly haired boy, he had green eyes. Wow. Next to him was a blonde boy with a hint of brown in it, he had a polo on and blue eyes. Next was a boy with black hair, short and black. I liked it, he had a varsity jacket on. And last was the boy with short hair like buzzed but not all the way. He had a plaid shirt on.

"So what's your name?" The boy with black hair asked me.

"Madison" I said looking at them. "What's yours?" A said raising my eyebrow. Causing him to laugh a little.

"I'm Zayn." He said. Cool name. "And that's Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam" he said pointing to all the boys.

I just replied with "Oh ok"

"So tell us about your self" Louis said

"We'll I've been in this place since I was 6. I've been adopted twice but they both decided that they weren't ready for me so I was returned." I said and they all had a sorry look on their faces.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Liam said

"Eh.. I kinda expected it. They both were really fancy people. I was just not like them. I didn't fit in, I'm kinda glad I'm not with them. It was weird being..well not me." I said to them. As I finished Mrs. Kelly came in.

"Ok madison can you go to your room please and ill talk to these nice boys" she asked

"Yeah sure" I said and left. I went to my room and started drawing.

Harry's POV:

I felt so bad for her why would someone return a girl. How rude.

"So..what do you think?" Mrs. Kelly asking us.

"I love her!" Lou said

"I think she's perfect!" Zayn said looking at us.

"Yeah I agree" I said

"Ok so do you want to sign the papers?" Mrs. Kelly asked us.

"Yes!" Niall said

"Ok follow me" she said. Leading the way.


So what do you think this is me first time so be a little easy on me I'm trying my best. Ill try to post as many times as I can. Promise. Tell me what you think!!!

Love ya!

~Mad ;)

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