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I made my way up Niall's house. He didn't tell me what time i should be here at it's 5:30 right now. I dont even know if this is his house, Anthony gave me directions. I knocked twice. And a middle aged lady opened up.

"Hello darling, can i help you?"

"Hi madam, was wondering if Niall's home?"

"Oh! actually he's due home later tonight." she explained "can i help you in anyway?"

"I just needed to tell him something that shouldn't be said through texts message" i looked down, fucking Anthony, and his stupid advice.

" Oh goodness, did he do what i think he did?" she looked at me sympathetically

"Depends on what you're thinking?"

"Did he get you pregnant?" She asked kindly. I snapped my head upwards in shock. I wasn't showing yet how could she possibly know? She probably thinks im some slag, oh gosh.

"Oh course i dont, sweetheart. Come in come in." was i thinking outloud? "yes you were honey" i smiled and walked into their home.

"Your home is lovely Mrs.Horan" i smiled at her.

"Thank you sweetie, please call me Maura. would you like some tea? water? cookies?" she offered

"Some tea would be lovely, thank you" We went to sit at the kitchen table. She brought me my tea, and one for herself aswell.

"So how far along are you?"

"umm.. about 2 weeks."

"are you and Niall together?"

"no, we're classmates, he's bestfriends with my brother"

"Oh! really? who's your brother"

"Anthony? De La Rosa?"

"OH! Anthony! yes yes. Lovely boy, like another son. He comes around alot, ever since they were 7. So you're the famous Anabella?" she smiled

"Ana is fine" i smiled at her. "you've heard of me?"

"yes, you're all Niall talks about somedays." She laughs "he's had a big crush on you for years you know" she grabs my hand "i promise you, from the way i've raised my son, he will be here for you supporting you."

Finally hearing encouraging words from an adult made me so emotional.

"Thank you so, you dont understand how great it is to finally hear some positive words from an adult" i cried

"Is everything alright sweetie?" she asked genuinely concerned.

"No, my father never really had anything to do with me, so he doesn't care, he said he would continue sending my childcare money, but he's not going to be contributing to anything with the baby. and my mom, says by the time she gets back which is in a week. she either wants me to abort it or leave." i cried. she got up from her seat, and walked around to me and hugged me.

"Sweetheart, everything's going to be okay, you have a new family alright? you can stay here, we have room, it's just me and Niall. Greg lives with his father" I smiled at her words. Suddenly the door opened

"MOMMY IM HOME" i heard the familiar voice yell. Maura let me go, and walked towards the door "Hunny i thought you weren't going to be home until tonight" i heard from the kitchen. Okay Ana you got this, you can do it. I heard their steps coming towards the kitchen. "I caught an early bus, im starving have you made anyth- Ana?" i looked up from my lap.

"Hey Niall" I smiled and sniffled i did just have a crying session with his mom."Congrats on the Xfactor, i knew you'd make it" i smiled.

"Thanks, Banana. It was grea- wait were you crying?" he walks over and tilts my face upwards "what happened? was it Anthony? What'd he do?"

"no no, it wasn't Anthony. It's what i had to talk to you about." he looked at me with genuine concern.

"i'll leave you two alone." Maura spoke up, reminding me of her presence "thank you for everything Maura."

Niall took my hand and sat us down. "What's wrong?"

i took a deep breath and opened my mouth just to feel tears falling and landing on our joined hands.

"I'm sorry- I- I Cant." i cried.

"Ana love, what happend you have to tell me. Especially if my own mom knows and i dont" i nodded

"Niall, I'm pregnant with your baby"

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