Types of Sexualities

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There are so many different sexualities in the world and I would like to share them with you. If I missed any, comment the ones I missed and I will make a part 2 to this.

Gay- Men who exclusively is attracted to other men.

Lesbian- Women who exclusively is attracted to women.

Heterosexual/Straight- Someone who exclusively is attracted to the opposite gender.

Homosexual- Someone who is attracted to the same gender.

Queer- Anyone who is not straight and/or cisgendered.

Bisexual- Someone who is attracted to men and women. Can also be interpreted as attraction to the same and other genders.

Pan/Omnisexual- Someone who is attracted to every gender. They are also considered gender blind because gender plays no role in their attraction towards another human being.

Hetero-flexible- A normally heterosexual person who acknowledges the occasional stray from their normal heterosexuallity.

Homo-flexible- A normally homosexual person who acknowledges the occasional stray from their normal homosexuality.

Multisexual- A person who is attracted to many genders, but not necessarily all of them.

Ambisexual- A person who is attracted to many genders, but not necessarily all of them.

Polysexual- A person who is attracted to many genders, but not necessarily all of them.

Skoliosexual- A person who is attracted to non-cis gendered and non gender binary people which can be Trans, gender queer, or androgynous people.

Asexual- A person who does not experience sexual attractions or desires.

Demisexual- A person who does not experience attraction until they have formed a strong connection with another person.

Phew! That was a lot! Now, all of the prefixes for these sexualities can be used as a prefix for the word romantic which is talking about a romantic or emotional attraction.

Romantic attractions don't have to match up with your sexuality either. You could be heterosexual but biromantic! So many different choices! Next chapter I will be talking about gender and all of the different genders you can have!

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