4- Once Upon a Time in Camelot (part 1)

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"King David and Queen Snow White of Misthaven, and Princess Emma Swan of Misthaven," the royal guard announced upon the Charmings' arrival in Camelot's royal castle.

Snow and Charming entered the throne room where they greeted Arthur, and gave their condolences on Uther's death. After exchanging a few words of comfort and support, Arthur thanked them, and Emma followed up to greet him. "Ah, Princess Pest," he teased.

"Oh Prince Prat, what a pleasure," Emma smirked, then turned serious as she recalled the situation," I'm sorry about your dad, Arthur, really."

"Yeah," he shrugged, keeping a neutral state. She admired that he had the strength to go on, unlike her. "I know you didn't really like him, and that's okay. I mean sometimes even I didn't, but he's my dad. I'm gonna miss him."

"We all know you'll make him proud Arthur," Emma smiled sadly, patting him on the shoulder.

"Thank you and, uh, you are welcome guests in my kingdom," he raised his voice to speak to her parents again, "One of my servants will be with you shortly to take you to the guest chambers," Arthur sat strong and tall on his thrown. Emma did admire his strength and will power in such situations. He'd matured much since her last visit. But he was still a prat.

They were then led to another part of the castle, where she and her parents were given linked rooms. Her guard stood readily outside her door- as always- and she groaned. She told her parents she was going for a stroll around the citadel. Really, she was trying to find a way to ditch her guard.

They walked along in tense silence. The Current Guard- that's what Emma always called them because she never bothered to learn their names anymore as recently they tended lasted shorter and shorter- already knew she'd be impossible to deal with and not only because of her warning. Throughout the realms and kingdoms it was known that the Swan Princess had become hostile toward those who dared take position as her personal bodyguard. The people willing to take the job became fewer and fewer. Emma had made her life's mission to assure the people willing to take the job were none. Because the one man who would be willing and the only one she'd accept was dead.

Running through old tricks she had used on his predecessors, Emma and the Current Guard traveled through the castle halls aimlessly. That is until an old man and a knight came spiralling toward them. Gods, that sounds like the beginning of bad joke, Emma thought.

"Gwaine, this isn't funny anymore!" The out-of-breath old man yelled after the knight as they passed the two. That's when Emma recalled her previous trip to Camelot...

"Gwaine?" She called out. The knight turned back to look at her and stumbled on the cobblestones, hitting a wall. After a rough landing, the old man- and Emma- caught up to him. The guy searched the knight's pockets until he took out a small vial of bubbly liquid, and he slunk away. The knight laughed tersely and then looked up at Emma.

"Well, hello Swan Princess," he smiled lazily.

"Gwaine," she smiled, a wide, warm smile, the first genuine smile since before Graham's death. Her eyes twinkled with nostalgia and joy. She helped him up, and she proceeded to throw her arms around him and wrap him in a big hug. "I can't believe it's you! Look at you, you're a knight of Camelot now!" She said proudly.

He chuckled and picked her up, spinning her in a circle before putting her down to look at her. "Yes, and you're still a wandering princess, I see. Where have you been? No one's seen you in months! Oh, who's this?" He pointed to the Current Guard who was standing a respectful distance away. "And where's Graham? That old dog! You two together now?"

Emma's face fell immediately and her stomach bristled. "He's my new guard. Um, Graham... died... last winter. He was protecting me, and he died because of that... because of me," She said quietly, her eyes glistening. She cleared her throat of tears and wiped her eyes too. Gwaine looked at her melancholy face, now knowing that the reason the princess had not been sighted for nine months was her best friend's death. After the adventure they had together, he was deeply saddened by the news as Graham had been a good friend to him too.

The Guard (CS/Merlin Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon