1- Graham

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"GRAHAM!" Emma woke with a start. Taking a second to reorient, she remembered she was in her room in her parents' palace. Not in the Swan's cottage. Not in the village. And certainly not with Graham.

It had been three months since his death, and her nineteenth birthday drew nearer and nearer, only reminding her of his absence. He had promised he'd be her date to her birthday ball, walk her down the grand staircase, and give her her second dance (her father was to be her first). Now that would never happen.

She didn't want to cry because up to this point, she hadn't cried since the funeral and dammit if she was going to cry now. Yes, even in that she was stubborn. Glancing around the elegant room, she was missed her small bedroom in the Swan home. The kind Swan couple, Odette and Derek, had taken her in until she was fifteen because of the Evil Queen's threat to her parents. She loved them and missed the couple ever so dearly, though she did visit them every so often, and had even kept their last name in their honour. She missed them even more now because of Graham's passing. They'd grown up together, and when she moved back with her parents, he became her bodyguard. He died trying to protect her... she couldn't help feeling at fault for his death.

Choking up at the thought, she sought comfort under her covers. Tears formed, as they often would, but she suppressed them as best she could, except they kept on pressing until she released her sobs. She now longed for the days where she and Graham roamed the woods, mischievous and free. Together they learned how to sword fight, they learned about stealthiness and hunting, and they learned how to get people to forgive them after they'd annoyed them to death. They would race to the lake at the edge of the village, explore other villages, and tease the younger children. They often got themselves in trouble when Emma's magic sparked. Graham's death had triggered a strong spark that unlocked her magic completely, but up to now, she was still unsure of how to properly develop and control it.

They had done everything together. Now there was no one, and she felt as if she was caving into herself. She slept as long as she could in the mornings and went to bed as early as she could in the evenings. She'd lock herself away when she had no responsibilities and often skipped meals. It's not as if she didn't want to join her parents at dinner and go to the library and do so many things, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She heard her door open and tried to snuff out her tears. Dressed in her night robe, her mother entered and went to comfort her daughter.

"Oh Emma," Snow White ran her thumb gently along her daughter's cheek. "It's Graham isn't it?" Emma nodded in response, and Snow wrapped her arms around her. For a few moments, she held her daughter tightly. Earlier that month, as their concern grew for their daughter, she and Charming had debated sending their suffering child to her childhood home. "Emma, your father and I have been talking-"

Fearing her mother's exhaustion with her depression, Emma interrupted, "I know it's hard for you guys, but I'll get better, I promise. It's just I grew up with him you know? I'm so sorry."

"I know, Emma, but we want to help you in any way we can. We think it's a good idea to send you back to live with Mr. and Mrs. Swan for a while. Maybe being there will make you feel better."

"What? Really?" Emma asked stunned. She didn't know how to feel about it because on one hand it might make her more miserable to be there without Graham, but it also might help her to feel a little more at peace. "I think that'd be amazing. When can I go?" She exclaimed, sitting up as she warmed to the idea.

"You can go right after your birthday ball next week. Your father really wants his dance you know," Snow smiled at the small glimpse of hope in her eyes.

"You bet I do," her father walked in and sat on the edge of her bed. He reached for the hands of his two girls and kissed them both. "I hate the thought of separating again, but I want to see you happy again."

The Guard (CS/Merlin Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें