Ella and Hanji

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Ella's POV,
I hung in the air and balanced as Levi watched. "Tch. Atleast your not failing". We trained until it was day time, then he took me to a room. "Here. It's not a perfect room but it's not a cell. Enjoy it you little brat" he scoffed pushing me in. "Okay dad!" I grinned and saluted him. "Tch" was all I heared until the door slammed shut. I looked around the room astonished. What does he mean by not a perfect room!? This place is awesome! It had a bed and a desk and some drawers and a window! It was early so I don't think anyone was up. I just stood and looked out the window watching birds and other animals.

Armin's POV,
Time skip...
We were outside in the place Levi likes to call, 'the big ass forest with big ass tree's'. We left Ella behind because we found out that she is 100% terrified of horses. "Jean! Better not go near Ella!" Eren joked. "SHUT UP!" Jean yelled. "Enough of that!" Erwin yelled as this has been going on for a few minutes. I wish Ella could come. She really wanted to. But she's not too good with the gear yet and if she's terrified of horses.. And there's no way she could run and keep up with us. Poor Ella. Hanji also stayed behind. Not because of Ella's reasons. Because she was sick. Verry. Sick. I felt bad for both of them!

Hanji's POV,
I heared a knock on my door. I sat up in my bed. "C-Come in!" I yelled as best as I could. There, stood Ella. "H-Hi H-Hanji...." she said shyly, coming over to me. "Hello my little titan girl!!" I smiled. "I-I make cure... it no taste good verry" she said handing me small little leaves with some wierd spice on it. "Y-You just eat spice" she said. I gave her a surprised look, then took the leaves. I ate the spice and gagged at each taste. I gave her back the now empty leaves. "I-It work in a few" she said. "Well you were right when you said it won't taste too good" I said, lying back down. She giggled. My throat started getting better and so did my head. Hours later, and I was fine. "THANK YOU LITTLE TITAN GIRL!!!" I grinned, hugging her. "WHERE DID YOU LEARN HOW TO MAKE THAT!??". I let go and stood infront of her. "used to made cure when 5 for Titans" she explained. "Titans get sick!?" I asked. She nodded. "it verry verry verry rare".

Time skip...

Me and Ella finished making food for everyone and sat down at the tables boredly. "So what do you want to do?" I asked her. "I-I no know" she said. we went silent for a while. "So what's up with Levi being your dad?" I asked. "He said he be me dad!!" She said happily. I chuckled. Levi was Actually being nice to this girl. "Can I see your face?" I asked. I actually made a theory to Levi that she had a titans face. He didn't biy it but I'm still curious. "O-Okay" she said quietly. She grabbed the scarf from behind her and pulled on it. The entire scarf flew off her. Long brown hair blew down her back. I stared in amazement. It just made me think of Eren somehow. She also had... purple eyes? "What's up with your eyes?" I asked. "I born with illness. A very rare one only happen to 0.001% of babies. eyes change depending on mood" she explained. "What's purple mean?" I asked. "Nervous" she answered. "Huh? Why are you nervous?" I asked leaning in. "I no know if you disect me" she said. "Pffftttt! I won't do that! Atleast not now..." I whispered the last part. "What was last part?" She asked. "NOTHING, NOTHING!" I grinned. "So why do you hide your face?" I asked. " so no titans reconize- atleast no by smell" she said. I noticed her eyes changed to Blue. "What does it mean when your eyes are blue?" I asked. "I calm!" She grinned, starting to wrap herself up again. When she was done I smiled.

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