Chapter 9 ~ The party

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Chapter 9 ~ The party

A/N: This chapter contains a bit of rape and I'm not censoring it, so just skip it when it happens. It is descriptive and does contain sexually content and bit o' violence. Otherwise enjoy the chapter!

<<Anna's POV>>

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I got out of bed and everybody was still sleeping. I tapped Brooke and woke her up. I hopped in the shower and then got dressed. Brooke fishtailed my hair back. I put a little bit of mascara on. Brooke took a shower then did the same as me except she had me french braid her hair. I went back into my room and woke the three guys up. I was about to leave when Tray called me back in there. "So angel do you wake up that beautiful or does it take some of your precious time?" He asked with his signature smirk. I felt my cheeks get red. I turned around and left. I went downstairs and was talking with Brooke. We were waiting for the three of them to come downstairs so we could leave for school. "Are they coming?" Brooke asked. "I don't know" I shrugged "Boys will be boys" She smiled and nodded. We waited five more minutes then I walked back into my room. They were all sound asleep again. "Come on guys get up!" I yelled. "What time is it?" Will whined. "Seven" I answered. "What!" Garrett rolled over and went back to sleep. "Sorry angel we don't get up until five before the bell rings" Tray laughed "We'll meet you there"

I rolled my eyes. Are they really this lazy? "Can't" I shook my head. "And why's that?" Tray asked while rolling onto his stomach and covering his head with my pillow blocking out the light from the window. "You blocked us in!" I snapped. "Walk" Will laughed. I grunted as I went downstairs to grab my air horn. I came back a minute later. "Last warning to get up" I warned with my hand on the trigger. "An what exactly are you going to do angel?" Tray laughed. I squeezed the trigger. The three of them got up so fast they nearly fell over again. "Good glad you're awake" I smiled walking away satisfied. "Jeez Tray why do you have to find the rude ones?" Garrett asked while I was halfway downstairs. "I heard that" I yelled up. "Oops. Sorry" Garrett yelled back "Thank you" I smiled. Brooke and I waited five more minutes then they came down all dressed and ready to go. Well except Will. He came down a minute later carrying a bra. My bra. My face went bright red. "Guys how does this go on?" He asked trying to contain his laughter. Garrett and Tray started laughing their assess off. "You should know" Brooke smiled "You've taken plenty of them off" Will's face turned as red as a tomato. I snatched the bra from his hands then ran upstairs. I threw it in my drawer then when I came back downstairs to see Will and Brooke arguing. "Guys I can't stand her!" Will growled. "Anna I can't stand him!" Brooke complained. "You can't stand me?" They both said in unison "Can't stand me? I can't stand you!"

I turned and slapped both of them across the face. They both turned to me and said thank you. We all laughed. I got in Brooke's car. The other three got in Tray's car. We drove to school. We all went to the picnic table. Will walked over late. "Hey guys what do you say to a party Friday?"Will asked with a sparkle in his eye. "I'm in" Tray nodded "Yeah count me in too" Garrett agreed. They all looked to me and Brooke. "Guys I-I don't know..." I shrugged "Count us in" Brooke jumped. I glared at her. "Oh come on it'll be fun" Brooke smiled. "What's wrong angel?" Tray smirked "Worried you'll get too drunk and end up naked with me?" I nearly puked in my mouth. I gagged and everyone laughed. "Ew" I shuttered. I felt bad doing that, but naked + naked = bad. Very very bad. I like Tray, but as a friend. I will admit he is very attractive, but his personality is kind of eh. His abs though... I won't forget that day in the pool then afterwards when his shirt came off. Okay Anna stop it now you sound like majority of the girls in the school.

The rest of the week went by slow, but it wasn't bad. The five of us hung out a lot. We all exchanged numbers, and agreed that Will would pick us up at seven. Finally it was Friday. Nothing interesting happened today. Brooke drug me to her house after school and made me get, as she said "appropriate party attire". I grabbed black skinny jeans and a black tank top. I left my hair in the fishtail. I reapplied mascara. Brooke put on a short dress. It was two toned. Purple on top with a sparkly black bottom. She had a silver necklace on with huge hoop earrings and heels. A car horn sounded from outside. I followed Brooke outside and we walked over to Will's truck. The guys just stared at us in awe. Well more like stared at Brooke because I was in jeans and a tshirt. Tray got out and Brooke and I hopped into the back seat with Garrett. "So angel how long does it take for you to look that good?" Tray asked while looking at me in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and looked to Brooke who was attempting to contain her laughter. We pulled up at the house ten minutes later. We parked down the road. There was loud music, drinking, sex, probably some drugs and drug dealing too. Typical party right? Although I wouldn't know, this was my first party. We walked into the house. Tray went and got drinks. He came back a minute later with five drinks in hand. He handed Garrett, and Will two red cups. He handed Brooke and I blue cups. I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's pop" He yelled over the music. I smelled it then tasted it. It was pop. I stole Will's keys again. I put them in my pocket. About an hour later I felt a tap on my shoulder. Garrett. He looked really drunk. Like really really drunk.

The Dared ~A short storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant