Chapter 8 ~ My saviors

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Chapter 8 ~ My saviors

Today's Monday. Tray I have our presentation today. The last few weeks weren't the greatest but the weekend helped me realize I actually have friends. Brooke and I rode to school. During lunch we sat at our normal table when Will, Garrett, and Tray came and joined us. I glanced over to Stacy who was pissed. There's still a few things I don't understand though. Like why are Tray and them talking to us? Brooke and I are nerds. I'm poor and she's rich. I also feel like Trays keeping something from me. That's completely fine though because it's not like we're dating or even wanting to... Although man look at his muscles. He does have a nice build... Ew! Anna stop that's gross! Tray isn't hot. His abs though if only guys didn't have to wear shirts in school. Oh... but then we'd see people who didn't have abs and looked like shit. "Anna!" Someone shouted "Anna!". I snapped out of my daze and looked to them. Tray was snapping his fingers in my face to try and get my attention. "What?" I asked as they all started laughing.

I rolled my eyes then Garrett started talking "so do you guys want to go to the mall after school?" We all agreed except Tray. "Can't" he refused "why?" I asked and we all nodded. "I got detention for the week" he answered. "Why?" Brooke asked. "Mind you little miss perfect over there and angel over here, but I have a reputation to uphold. I do need to stay with it" he explained. We all agreed to the mall then well aside from Tray. We all got up to go and dump our tray's. I was walking next to Tray. "So what exactly did you do to get detention?" I asked. "Awe angel are you caring about me" he laughed. Yes. "No" I shook my head ignoring my mind "just wondering what dumb thing you did this time"

And that was the moment in time... On spaghetti day at lunch when bitch ass Stacy pulled her leg out and tripped me. I fell to the floor and the spaghetti sauce and noodles from my tray went all over my shirt. I pulled myself to my feet ignoring Tray's hand. The lunch room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was looking at me. Stacy was acting all innocent. I walked right over to her and looked into her cold dead eyes. "Ew it lives" she laughed along with the football team and cheerleaders.

"I warned you to stay away" she smirked. I stood there and started laughing. Everyone thought I was going crazy, but I was sane. "You warned me?" I laughed almost in tears, but I wasn't going to let her win "Stacy you threatened me. There's a difference and you know what... No. You're not even worth it. You're not even worth it for me to waste my breath on insulting you" and at that I walked away victorious well or so I thought. "I will make your life living hell!" She screamed after me. I walked out into the hallway over to Brooke. I ran down to the girls bathroom. Brooke followed me in. I looked to Brooke and shook my head as tears filled my eyes.

I took my shirt off and tried to scrub the spaghetti off of it. Brooke looked at me. "Anna these are bad bruises" Brooke almost cried. "Can we not?" I sniffled "I just want to get my shirt clean and back on". I scrubbed my shirt for five minutes when the door opened. Stacy. "Ew the mens room is over there" She pointed across the hall "Honey there is no saving this rag" Stacy grabbed my shirt and threw it in the hallway. I started getting pissed. I clenched my fists and went at her. Brooke grabbed my arms and pulled me back. "Ew look at this slut. She even hurts herself for attention" Stacy took a picture of me in my bra with my bruises exposed on her phone. "Just remember I have that" She smirked walking away. The door slammed closed. Brooke held me in her arms as I cried. I fell to my knees and cried even harder. The door opened again. I didn't look at who it was. "This is the girls room" Brooke shook her head and I just kept crying. 

"I know" They replied. It was a deep voice. Tray. Garrett was standing behind him. "Will's watching the door" Garrett added. I just kept crying into Brooke's arms. I looked up to Tray who took his shirt off and handed it to me. He had a tank top on under his white T-shirt. He slid his leather jacket back on. I grabbed the shirt then stood up and slowly pulled it on. It hurt no matter what I did because of the bruises. "What are those from?" Tray asked while helping me pull the shirt on. He was really close. Anna don't let him play with your emotions like this. He's a douchebag. All though this douchebag just gave me his shirt.... But now the school is going to see me in his shirt. And now Stacy is going to be even more mad at me for Tray helping me. "Nothing" I shook the thought out of my mind. I took a paper towel and wiped off my face. I reapplied mascara then followed the boys out of the bathroom. I walked to class and everyone just stared at me in awe because I was wearing Tray's shirt. I Anna Kelley was wearing the hottest guy in schools shirt. I presented the project with Tray. We didn't do half bad. 

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